Cannes Lions

The School of Sustainability

Sancho BBDO, Bogota / BANCOLOMBIA / 2019

Presentation Image
Case Film






• Situation: Bancolombia, the most important bank of Colombia, has made a lot of efforts related to sustainability, however, none of them have been able to increase the association of the brand with sustainability.

• Brief: To create an action that will make of sustainability a sexy topic that will want to be consumed by the Colombian public.

• Objectives:

1. Increase the association of Bancolombia with sustainability in at least 3 points according to Brand Contribution 2018.

2. Increase the positive feeling about the brand that was in 25%, and decrease the negative that was in 6%.

3. Graduate at least 2,000 people from the School. This required touring the entire virtual island, taking the 9 lessons that had 3-minute videos on average.


Imagine an overpopulated world where water is worth more than gold, food is scarce and electrical energy is a luxury. This world, that could be the one that awaits us in a few years, is that of the inhabitants of a small island in the Caribbean today. Bancolombia -the most important bank in Colombia- and Google have come together to turn this island –that until today was only recognized for being the most densely populated of the world- into a school, that through the austere lifestyle of its inhabitants will teach us to take the best advantage of resources like water, energy and food, and to have a better experience at living within a community.



We identified three key audiences:

Lovers: Those people whose lifestyle revolves around sustainability.

Challenger: Those interested by the subject but who don’t yet know how to be sustainable.

Apathetic: Those who aren’t interested in the subject because they find it boring.

• Media planning:

An investment was made on digital media that pretended to redirect people to the site, to make it known and generate the first interactions. As we allied with Google, we utilized all the available formats and additionally the bank’s own media.

• Approach Imagine an overpopulated world where water is worth more than gold, food is scarce and electrical energy is a luxury. This world, that could be the one that awaits us in a few years, is that of the inhabitants of a small island in the Caribbean today. Bancolombia -the most important bank in Colombia- and Google have come together to turn this


• Implementation The island was photographed and mapped in 3D, so people from around the world can see where and how they live.

Every nook and cranny was captured, for a technique called Photogrammetry.

Using this data we were able to completely recreate the island in Web GL.

You can jump to any location on the island to explore it by foot.

During this tour you can learn everything about the community and how it sustains itself.

This is done through a rich collection of content and classes.

• Media channels and integration:

We utilized the existing Google and YouTube formats, including some experimental ones that hadn’t been launched in the country and that went along the audiences’ behavior. (Director Mix, True View for action, True view custom affinity, AD Secuency)

• Timeline 12 months.

• Scale:




Increase the association of Bancolombia with sustainability in at least 3 points according to Brand Contribution 2018.


According to the Brand Contribution for 2018, the bank's association with sustainability increased by 7.9 percentage points, doubling the proposed goal. (Source: Brand Contribution, Brand Power Studio of Kantar).


Increase the positive feeling about the brand that was in 25%, and decrease the negative that was in 6%.


The positive sentiment towards the brand increased 39 points, going from 25% in 2017 to 64% after the campaign. And the negative sentiment was diluted, going down from 6% to 2%. (Source: Sentisis).


Graduate at least 2,000 people from the School. This required touring the entire virtual island, taking the 9 lessons that had 3-minute videos on average.


By the end of 2018 we had more than 17,000 graduates of the platform and it continues to grow. (Source: Bancolombia).

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