Cannes Lions


SVENSSON, Stockholm / UNHCR / 2015

Presentation Image
Online Video






Sweden For UNHCR uploaded the video on their YouTube channel, where we put in translations of the subtitles for the world's languages. We picked out a number of people who we thought would like to share the video, and contacted them, explaining the campaign briefly and asked for their support. We also spoke to our contacts on the largest viral sites in Sweden, and contacted journalists in foreign countries. A few days later, when the video was viral, we spread the video within UNHCR, and also uploaded a Facebook version on UNHCR's page.


This proves the power in a strong idea! We did not buy any media.

Still, over 3,5 million people have seen the movie on different platforms, mainly at the international Facebook page ( It was shared by people and organisations through all social media channels.

Googles social impact team loved it and gave us free ad-space and are planning a second launch of it in their channels.

It also created the platform for the following donation campaign that we released some weeks later, on the wars 4th birthday. That campaign is ongoing and has yet raised € 200 000.

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