Cannes Lions

The Snack Saga

OGILVY , Sao Paulo / COCA-COLA / 2019

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Case Film






Our goal was to make teens try Fanta. However, this target audience strongly dislikes advertising. They try to avoid it by any means necessary. On digital they use ad blocks and skip ads. And they are almost impossible to reach through conventional interruptive media. They don't watch TV, listen to radio or read magazines or newspapers.


We decided to give them what they want: fun on a mobile screen. We a partened with Gameloft to develop a game where you have to shout Fanta to make the campaign's protagonist -- a crazy over the top mouth -- jump to catch snacks and Fanta cans. This way, not only the teen experienced the brand in a positive light but became a medium herself, by scream Fanta and being listened by everyone around her.


Our target audience was teens. They are connected to their mobiles and hate advertising, blocking and skiping it whenever they can. They are also big on games. And rely on their peers word of mouth. Our idea was to make engage teens using a combination of hardware (cell phone) and software (mobile games) to make them shout 'FANTA' and impact their friends with the brand, creating a fun and collective experience.


It took 1 month to develop and it was placed in a content hub for the Fanta brand.


In just 2 weeks

463.461,00 players

37,69 seconds spent on the game

291.132,10 minutes playing

It’s like someone shouted Fanta for 202 days straight

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