Cannes Lions

The Stain

VALOR, Lima / KOTEX / 2023


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Presentation Image
Supporting Content






In Peru, 8 out of 10 girls think that their period is a disease, and, in those days, are afraid to go to school. This affects their development and limits their opportunities, putting their future at risk.

Kotex wanted a new and disruptive idea that could normalize women’s periods in a society that is extremely sexist and shallow, in a society that shames women into thinking their periods are wrong.

The objectives were to truly shake the Peruvian society into accepting women’s periods as normal, to be able to open the conversation and bring forward important women’s issues that are not talked about enough.


In the most viewed live morning show of Peru, we simulated that Amy Gutierrez, one of Peru’s coolest celebrities, got her period. More than 90 national and international media channels talked about it organically as if it was a huge issue, making it very clear that women’s periods in Peru was still a taboo.

Amy created more conversation with a post in which she used “Let’sNormalizeOurPeriods”, a hashtag that became trending topic in the country. Also, more than 150 celebrities, UNICEF and more than 10 NGO’s joined the conversation.

The next day, the campaign was revealed on the same show.

The brand became national trending topic, the whole country talked about how normal women’s periods are, and the media, finally, talked about the many problems that girls and women have in our country.

The idea was implemented in several other countries, turning a simple idea into a regional platform.


The insight of the campaign was based on how our society works.

When something is scandalous, the media turns its attention to it, even if it’s something that is natural, like women’s periods.

We knew, sadly, that the media would cover the action.

Our key message was that women’s periods is normal, what is not normal is that a girl is afraid to go to school because she thinks it’s a disease.

The target audience was the whole population, since we wanted all people to change their perception about women’s periods.

We created a little snowball and let it roll down the hill to create a massive landslide in our society.


Day 1: Amy Gutierrez appeared on the most viewed morning show in Peru with her paints stained. Nobody knew about the action, so all reactions were 100% natural.

People and media talked about it as if it was a huge deal. Everything was 100% organic, not one media channel knew about the idea.

20 million people in the country talked about what happened and we earned 2M in FREE PRESS.

Day 2: Amy appeared on the same show to reveal the campaign and tell the whole country that we must normalize something that is so natural as women’s periods, that way, girls could be confident going to school with their periods and not trump their education and future because of it. The media started talking about more women’s issues because of this.

The idea became a REGIONAL PLATFORM, being replicated in several other countries and reaching over 100M people.


+ 20M people reached organically in Peru.

+ 2M in free press in Peru. this frees press finally covered the problems around girl's menstrual health.

+ 120,000 girls visited in schools, using the video of what happened with Amy as an educational tool, to teach them about how normal and natural women’s periods are.

+ 100M people reached in LATAM.

+ 10M free press in LATAM.

- Kotex was the first brand in the history of Peru, in being a Trending Topic in Twitter.

- Our hashtag #NormalicemosLaRegla (#Let'sNormalizeOurPeriod) was #1 trending topic in Perú.

Besides the impact the campaign had on the business and the media, the most important result was that now 9 out of 10 girls understand that their period is normal, that it is not a disease and they’re not afraid to go to school anymore.

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