Cannes Lions

The Stain

KIMBERLY CLARK, Santiago de Surco / KOTEX / 2024

All (Supporting)






Peru is a very conservative country. That’s why, despite being in the 21st century, a conversation about menstrual hygiene has never taken place. In Peru, for something to generate interest, it has to be a scandal of some type. Since there are so many problems in Peru that need addressing and the media sometimes prefers to shine its light on which celebrity is dating who or what crime has been committed that day on the streets of Lima, we decided that it was time to play the game and generate this live TV “scandal” so that people would actually talk about the problems that many young girls in Peru are dealing with right now.

We generated something so “scandalous” in Peruvian society’s eyes that it was covered by every newspaper; a woman getting her period on live TV. Yes, it is completely natural and normal, but this “scandal” completely broke the internet and made it to every newspaper in the country. Generating this “scandal”, we could teach young girls in Peru that women’s periods are something completely normal.

The first challenge of the campaign was to generate a conversation that puts forth the fact that there are still a lot of tabus and stigmas in our society related to menstrual health. That's why, knowing that a scandal sells, we put one on live TV and waited so that every media channel on the country was talking about it.

We needed to find a woman that had good indicators on social media, that was considered real and natural and that didn't have any scandals so that when this happened on TV people would support her, so that girls understand that their periods are completely normal. Amy Gutierrez, a beloved singer had all these qualities and appeared in the music scene from a young age in a singing contest for kids.

We also needed to find a good show to have the scandal set. "En Boca de Todos" - "In Everyone's Mouth", was the chosen one because it had female and male hosts, so that would make their reactions even more interesting.

Only 2 minutes after it happened, the media started to talk about it. Amy would only appear on her social media saying that what happened was something normal while using the #Let'sNormalizeOurPeriods to start the conversation. The conversation never stopped, and the brand would join the conversation the day after when Amy Gutierrez joined the same show to reveal the campaign and started talking about the problems of stigmatization and prejudice in Peru that surround women's periods.

The media, in part due to the campaign still being newsworthy and in part due to "continuing the conversation" because they fell for the act, started talking about the menstrual health problems that young girls in the country have. Finally, with the campaign materials, the brand and the NGO, went to hundreds of schools carrying the message #Let'sNormalizeOurPeriods to +120,000 girls around the country.

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