Cannes Lions

The Translator: Simplifying Super Bowl LII in Real-Time

HUGE, New York / QUICKEN LOANS / 2018

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Case Film
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The world is more complex than ever, full of jargon that’s stacked against you. This is never more true than during life’s biggest purchase, a mortgage. Home buying elicits fear and uncertainty. But it doesn’t have to. So we enlisted a translator, Keegan-Michael Key, to team up with Rocket Mortgage to make the complex simple. Together, Keegan and Rocket Mortgage translated everyday confounding moments from hip-hop, to hairstyles, to mortgages. We would already be participating on Football’s biggest stage, but how could we make the idea bigger than just a SB :60? Cue Keegan’s Football translations. Few sports are as confusing as America’s favorite pastime, and this was our chance to make the complexity of Football simple. Throughout the game, as Football plays happened, we pushed translations of confusing terminology live via social platforms, proving to the most novice Football fans that everything is easy to understand when explained simply.


To appear live, we had to strike balance between inevitability and unpredictability, before knowing which teams would play in the big game. We scripted and shot each term weeks before Super Bowl Sunday.

We researched and followed Football closely to make it feel as live as possible. We then enlisted help from a celebrity known for translating. Comedian Keegan-Michael Key fit the bill perfectly. His role as Luther, Obama’s Translator, set the stage before expanding onto the Football field. With Over 1MM social followers, Key connects to audiences through hilarious story-telling.

It didn’t hurt that Key is a massive Football fan and already works with the NFL on touchdown dance celebrations. Getting his input on scripts was invaluable and made his performance 100% authentic.

The videos went live in paid and organic media to Quicken Loans’ almost 800k followers on Facebook and Twitter, Super Bowl’s most closely followed platforms.


The campaign was hugely successful for the Quicken Loans brand and business. The spot ranked 6th in YouTube’s adBlitz, 1st in their financial services category, and 11th in USA Today’s ad meter. Thanks to the public reception and engagement, Quicken Loan’s accomplished its highest ever sales day in history. And the press was begging for a translator of their own. “We wish we could take him everywhere” said AdAge. “The one Super Bowl Ad Brands can learn from this year” said In organic, the Football translations had over 2k views in just minutes, on a night where brands are begging for audience attention. To date, they have over 200k views. In a category filled with confusion, we were able to deliver a purposeful and entertaining campaign that resonated with audiences and drove business results on the biggest stage there is. When you make the complex simple, anything is possible.

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