Cannes Lions

The truth about ADHD


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Case Film






1. Establish ‘the client’ as a leader in ADHD by providing credible scientific and educational online content for HCPs

2. Clearly understand and define the information needs of HCPs outside of the US with an interest in ADHD and provide educational resources

3. Create enduring online relationships with these HCPs by uploading regular new content, developing content in conjunction with experts from leading institutions and providing interactive tools with clear learning objectives

4. To educate the market by…

o …highlighting that ADHD is a serious condition with long-term consequences

o …enabling effective diagnosis of ADHD and management of children, adolescents and adults with the disorder

o …sharing new data in a scientific setting


We have an exciting and creative programme of regular updates, building on the core content to provide high educational value, such as:

Expert opinion

• Talking head videos highlighting the key issues in ADHD

• Expert articles on hot topics such as patient-centred management,

• Animations to highlight the changes in the brain associated with ADHD across the lifespan and the mode of action of licensed treatments

Interactive tools

• Rating scales tools to improve assessment and diagnosis

• eLearning modules to provide education on key areas of ADHD such as the range of treatments available for ADHD across the lifespan

Hot topics

• Overnight congress reports from International Conferences covering key issues discussed during the meeting, emailed daily to registered users

• Monthly publication articles supporting hot topics in ADHD


Regular bi-monthly email campaigns alerting users of new and exciting content on the site


The is the only educational portal dedicated to ADHD for HCPs outside the US, demonstrating that our client leads the way in the delivery of high-quality education and is committed to supporting the ADHD community and improving patients’ lives.

Organisers from national bodies, for example ADHD Australia, have requested content to include on their website and interactive tools have been shared via Facebook.


• 1.06 million page views to date

• Over 600k visitors to the site, now averaging between 1.5k-2k visitors a day – spanning ~190 countries

• 2.6k users for regular email updates

• Higher-than-industry-average open rate and click-through rates for email campaigns

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