Cannes Lions

The Unexpected Player


Presentation Image
Case Film






Gaming is the new world sport. Currently in Peru, there are more than 8 million active gamers between PC games, consoles and mobile.

On the past few years the consumption of gaming content has been growing exponentially. It is currently the third content with the highest percentage of views on YouTube Peru, being DOTA2 the most streamed, with which Peruvian gamers spend between 3 and 4 hours a day.

Understanding the codes and insights of friendship of this community, Pilsen Callao was able to create a unique experience by becoming a gamer on International Gamers Day.


There is an insight that only the gaming community that plays DOTA2 knows, and it has to do with a role no-one wants to take: THE SUPPORT. This is a vital role in the game, but instead of killing and hunting, it heals and protects its teammates.

This situation often creates disagreements among friends, in many cases, stoping the game from taking place. Pilsen Callao, the beer gives it all for friendship, had to do something to prevent this from taking place. This is how THE UNEXPECTED PLAYER was born. We created an entertainment platform that live streamed amateur Peruvian gamers playing alongside the best DOTA2 players in the country as their Support


How could a beer brand infiltrate the world of e-sports? To do so, we could not just talk about it, we had to become part of the content the gaming community consumes.

That is how we realized that the only way to become relevant on this day was to turn a normal match into a real competition live-streamed in the platforms we can usually find them (Twitch, Facebook and YouTube).

The livestream had to be a real one, it had to contain all the features of a profesional one, such the duration of each match, camera play, a caster’s narration of the match, a hostess that interacted with the pro-gammers and our guests, live interaction from viewers and in-game branding.

Thus, by adopting codes of the e-gaming world, we were able to create an entertainment content worthy of this community



We launched the campaign on different platforms (Facebook and Instagram), previewing a prize worthy of participation.


We announced the mechanics of the event, reveled the pro-gamers that would be playing along the participants and launched a landing page in which the gamers would be able to sign and participate.

Day of the event:

We started with our livestream on Twitch, with a retransmission on Facebook and Youtube. We had 6 cameras in key points of the our gaming house.

We had a caster that narrated the plays live and a host that made the experience in the house more dynamic.

Our community managers interacted with our audience on the different social media platforms in which we were present.

We intervened the game and were present on each play.


We launched a video that recapitulated the campaign, how it lived and how we infiltrated the e-gaming world.


#1 trending topic during International Gamers Day

2.5 million people reached (52% of Peru’s total gaming community)

95% positive sentiment (77% was the year’s average)

+340k interactions in a week

16,000 comments answered in real time

+250k organic livestreams


13% of engagement rate (6% was the anual rate)

2,200 unique registries in less than 48 hours

20% of earned media (3% was anual average)

145% return of investment (0.2% brand’s budget)

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