Cannes Lions

The Wedding of Siri & Alexa


Presentation Image
Case Film






Vienna is a cosmopolitan kaleidoscope – a progressive city, where different lifestyles are respected and actively lived. Since 1 January 2019, the city of Vienna supports marriage for all. We wanted to take this as an opportunity to promote the progressive attitude of the "World's Smartest City" in preparation for EuroPride Vienna – and to take a brave stand for gay marriage. By using voice as our primary medium, we aimed to bridge geographical distances and challenge gender barriers in an innovative way.


With a social media stunt, we embraced love of all kinds and celebrated acceptance in a way that has never been done before. We made the unthinkable possible and celebrated the most unusual gay marriage of all time: The Wedding of Siri and Alexa. To make it happen, we created a custom Alexa skill that allowed the two A.I.’s to exchange vows. People worldwide married their own Siri to Alexa and posted their wedding videos on social media – even in countries where gay marriage is illegal. Giving them a voice to challenge both prejudices and gender stereotypes.


With the world’s first A.I. marriage, we wanted to create a symbol for a world where every kind of love is possible. The target audience was potential festival visitors, both within but also outside of the LGBTQI+ community. Our strategy was to create awareness for gay marriage rights by using two voices that challenged prejudices about gender and stereotypes: The world-famous voice assistants Siri and Alexa.


Our social media stunt was made possible by the Alexa Skill "The Pride Skill". In addition to information all around EuroPride, we also had hidden an easter egg: with a special trigger, a dialogue can be started between Siri and Alexa that leads to the symbolic marriage of the two voice assistants. The smart bridals even got their own wedding page and Instagram stories where you could follow the entire love story – from the first date to the honey moon. And the best part about it: we made everyone able to celebrate this very special wedding by themselves and post their wedding videos on social media. How? We made “The Pride Skill” officially available in the Amazon Skill Store. This way everyone in the world could marry their own Siri and Alexa – even in countries where gay marriage is controversial and illegal.


The campaign took of instantly in Austria, received praise from press, TV and media outlets, and generated European and global attention. “The Wedding of Siri and Alexa" gained over 350 Million impressions and invited more people to come to EuroPride than ever before: a record number of over 1.5 Million visitors. People worldwide married their own Siri to Alexa and posted their wedding videos on social media – even in over 25 countries where gay marriage is illegal. Giving them a voice to challenge both prejudices and gender stereotypes.

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