Cannes Lions

Think & Act: Unexpected Inspiration


Case Film
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Case Film






As one of Brazil's largest private donors, Bradesco reaffirms its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals by providing substantial financing to projects that promote financial inclusion, sport and education as a way to combat inequality.

And this project also reinforces its commitment to diversity and inclusion by believing and investing in people. The Think & Act Project, led by Unibrad, Bradesco Corporate University, is an initiative whose main objective is to inspire and train the bank's more than 80 thousand employees with innovative projects and a deep human perspective on important topics for society.

Our biggest challenge is to raise awareness and engage our 80,000 employees in transforming a world with less inequalities.


The world's largest companies seek to inspire and empower their employees through winning success stories from prominent names like Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Brené Brown and Richard Branson. Bradesco bank, a major supporter of the NGO Gerando Falcões, decided to inspire and empower its 80,000 employees through a documentary that showed real stories of courage, resilience and transformation of invisible residents of Favela of Dreams. A place where dreaming is not part of everyday life, a place where, to emerge victorious, you have to overcome everyone, against all odds.

The main idea is to show the reality of favelas through stories of survival to engage and move everyone in the search for transformation.


Banks are synonymous with wealth. Favelas, with poverty. Our strategy was to create an inspiring project that reflected the company's culture by telling real stories of resilience of people with limited financial resources, but with a great capacity to make a transformative impact and create something of intangible value. With this in mind, we invited talents from the favelas themselves to create and produce a film about the stories of almost invisible characters who are important agents of transformation in their own lives and the lives of thousands of people around them. Like the story of favela resident Kelvin Freitas, a young and talented content director for social projects who is now also a film director and has his great chance to win a Cannes Lions and transform his life. In partnership with Gerando Falcões, an NGO supported by Bradesco that operates in more than 6 thousand favelas across Brazil,


Bradesco employees hoped to watch stories of successful and famous people. It was a great surprise to know stories of invisible people who fight every day to survive. It was a transformative moment in everyone's life. The film production and editing process lasted two months, during which we experienced the daily life of Favela of Dreams. Our main objective was to find stories of resilience, courage and determination that could touch the hearts of the bank's more than 80 thousand employees and provoke a true reflection on the reality of those who face the hardships of social inequality every day. Many Bradesco employees were involved in the project and also had a memorable experience being great ambassadors for the project and are currently part of the company's volunteer projects.


In 2023, the documentary was shown to more than 80 thousand collaborators across the country or as part of the Think .

The documentary had great emotional impact on Bradesco employees. A cross between tears and applause, but, most of all, an honest reflection on the role we all have to play in society. A satisfaction survey carried out with employees achieved an impressive score of 9.8, the highest of all projects conducted by Unibrad. Thanks to the documentary, Bradesco had a 17% increase in employees registered and participating in volunteer projects in the favelas, including in the Financial Education Course, which has already trained more than 500 residents of Favela dos Sonhos. Additionally, Bradesco increased investment by 45% in the Favela 3D Project, the largest urban planning project in any Brazilian favela.

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