Cannes Lions

This was Louise's phone

AIR , Brussels / VOO / 2016


2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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VOO together with the national police turned a tragic loss into something meaningful:

"This was Louise's phone" a virtual installation where youngsters could experience how impactful the messages were on the life of Louise.

We created a physical installation consisting of 600 balloons, equal to the number of hate messages Louise received in just 5 days. With at the center Louise’s phone. Visitors are guided through the experience by the voice of Louise’s father, who recounts his daughter’s story

Afterwards, visitors can take action against cyber bullying by signing a manifesto on the fundamental sense of respect for others online. The names of those signing then appear on the walls of the installation. Victims and witnesses of cyber bullying, in turn, will find all the necessary resources to successfully deal with this issue.


On the website visitors can explore a virtual installation that features 600 balloons, each of which displays a hateful message. These balloons symbolise text bubbles and illustrate the significant amount of messages Louise received in just 5 days. Visitors are guided through the experience by the voice of Louise’s father. The size of the installation reflects the messages’ violent nature, as well as the impact and gravity they can have on victims in real life. While making their way through the hundreds of messages, people come to understand the nightmare that victims of cyber bullying have to endure. Afterwards, visitors can take action against cyber bullying by signing a manifesto on the fundamental sense of respect for others online. The names of those signing then appear on the walls of the installation. Victims and witnesses of cyber bullying will find resources to deal with this issue.


The website was featured on different national news sites like Le Soir, RTBF, RTL and La Libre. After one week it attracted over 25.000 visitors and was liked and shared over 4.000 times on Facebook.

For the national police we also created an offline VR experience they can use in schools during talks about cyberbullying. So youngsters can experience the consequences of cyberbullying first hand.

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