
This was Louise's phone

AIR , Brussels / VOO / 2016


1 Shortlisted Eurobest
Presentation Image
Case Film
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Cyber bullying is a serious issue, which has reared its ugly head over the past couple of years in step with the development of social media and the appearance of new types of mobile messaging. The consequences among teenagers are proving disastrous, and in the worst cases it has even driven victims to take their own lives. One example is the story of Louise, a young girl who committed suicide in 2014 after falling victim to cyber bullies.

In collaboration with the Federal Police and Louise’s father, we have developed an interactive experience based on the contents of Louise’s phone.


On the website visitors can explore a virtual installation that features 600 balloons, each of which displays a hateful message. These balloons symbolise text bubbles and illustrate the significant amount of messages Louise received in just 5 days. Visitors are guided through the experience by the voice of Louise’s father. The size of the installation reflects the messages’ violent nature, as well as the impact and gravity they can have on victims in real life. While making their way through the hundreds of messages, people come to understand the nightmare that victims of cyber bullying have to endure. Afterwards, visitors can take action against cyber bullying by signing a manifesto on the fundamental sense of respect for others online. The names of those signing then appear on the walls of the installation. Victims and witnesses of cyber bullying will find resources to deal with this issue.

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