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Tiger has been the dominant premium beer brand in a highly competitive Vietnam beer market, and is batting to maintain its progressive image among consumers. To protect its sustainable leadership, the brand needed to build relevance and engagement among the rising generation of consumers – the Gen Z (18-24 years old) – who have very different values and emotion needs vs the older core drinkers

As a brand that represents the spirit of courage and the inspiration to live true to ones’ passion, respect to Diversity and Inclusion – a character embraced by the young drinkers – Tiger decided to let the Gen Z create their next beer. A beer conceived not from the brand’s perspective, but from the mark of the younger Vietnamese generation.

For this campaign, Tiger’s goal was to strengthen relevancy among the Gen Z by reinventing itself as a progressive & innovative brand to gain


Gen Z drinkers are generally split into 3 worlds – of which each individual can belong to one, or all:

● World 1: Bright/Optimistic

● World 2: Adventurous

● World 3: Energetic/Upbeat

The idea: TIGER COLLABORATION LABORATORY – a platform where Tiger collaborates with Gen Zs to create experimental beer innovations that cater to their taste and demands.

CO-BREW: We launched BrewHub, where people created their signature beer using their personalized “beer ID” with QR code, unlocking exclusive privileges. We also turned the beer IDs into ads, calling for more co-creators to join.

CO-JUDGE : We selected three distinct recipes to turn into actual real-life beers, then asked drinkers to try and vote. A real-time tracking dashboard was created to collect data to monitor and optimize.

Tiger Co-lab also leveraged three popular KOLs throughout the journey, each representing signature worlds of gen Z.


With the Uncage DNA in our veins, we’ll empower the GenZ to celebrate their own marks and use these as the raw ingredients to craft a beer for their generation.

The strategy is to co-create a part of culture with the Gen Z, and at the same time organically revitalize the image of Tiger through 3 phases that revolves around Co-Creation Platform: TIGER COLLAB with campaign message UNCAGE YOUR MARK:

1. Phase 1 - Co-Brew: Tiger provided a playground to express the GenZ’s creativity/personality by empowering them to co-create their own signature brew.

2. Phase 2 - Co-Judge: Using the flavors generated from Phase 1, Tiger then produced these beers and urged the GenZ to judge them through online voting.

3. Phase 3 - Co-Launch: Scheduled for Q3 2021, we’ll finally introduce our limited edition TIGER PLATINUM – WHEAT LAGER, which was voted as the best.


Multiple platforms were utilized to ensure seamless consumer experience across phases:

Co-Brew: High reach media & influencers were used to drive traffic to Brewhub. Using data, we’re able to retarget gen Z brewers.

Co-Judge: Leveraged B2C digital platforms to direct traffic for trial. People voted by scanning QR code on the Co-lab pack, or directly visit TigerCollab.vn. Full user journey can be done on mobile, allowing us agility amid social distancing. People also re-targeted triers for voting reminders.

Strong partnerships with top B2C digital platforms were critical in delivering the full consumer experience:

● LAZADA–with exclusive partnership in phase 2 to sell limited edition of 3 Tiger Collab beers

● MOMO – critical for engagement and offer through-the-line experience with high interactive gamification

Through the power of mobile, Tiger was able to successfully arrive at a new beer line for youngsters, which we will then launch in Q3 this year.


● 99% Multimedia reach

● Participation: ‘Co-Creation’ - 312,860, ‘Co-Judge’ - 347,600

● Generated 11,400 flavors

● 1.5M clicks / 660,460 engaged users in first 2 months

● +25% leads over KPIs

● 65% arrival rate (+62% vs. norm)

● Mobile Swipe + Mobile Carol - 457% over benchmark

● Colab Pack became the most ‘interested’ product on Lazada; held this position for a few months

● Cost Per Order -87%

● No. 1 viral campaign in June (822,772 buzz) by Buzzmetric

● Better brand Imagery vs PY

o Good advertising: +15 pts

o Young brand: +8 pts

o Innovative in communication: +11 pts

● Improved Brand Health

o Uniqueness/differentiation: 4.6/5

o Innovative Brand Image: 4.6/5

o Innovative Product: 4.9/5

o Colab as Innovative platform: 4.6/5

o Likability: 4.5/5

o Purchase Intent: 100%

● MMA Smarties GOLD winner for Cross Mobile, GOLD for Lead Generation, and SILVER for Product Launch

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