Cannes Lions


OMD SPAIN, Madrid / HEINZ / 2017

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Case Film






As Future of Spain 2 research showed, spaniards expect the brands to adopt a role within society. We had to leverage our strategy by making Orlando more meaningful for every target, in one hand, and by finding an opportunity to boost our visibility on the other hand.

Spaniards have a rich cultural heritage which they're proud of, and new generations are recovering and enjoying them in more responsible ways. We found a perfect match in a double-focused strategy: cultural relevance and returning something to society.

As for the younger target specifically, we also needed an experience with its headquarters in digital but translatable into an experience worth to be lived. Our strategy had to be able to surpass that imaginary frontier.

We decided to link the brand to La Tomatina, the most internationally renowned Spanish event together with Sanfermines, where every year thousands of people fight in a tomato battle.


La Tomatina is a one-shot opportunity, so we had to work under a countdown. A month before, we created a microsite calling people to participate in the 1st Virtual Tomatina for a good cause: each tweet posted under the hashtag #TomatweetdeOrlando will transform into 1 kilo of Orlando’s sauce for a family in need, in collaboration with a local NGO. We produced 3 branded content pills with the original creators of La Tomatina and built a pull of influencers: TV show conductors, actors and local celebs with thousands of followers spread the word in their Twitter profiles, being Twitter the most quickly actionable and PR effective channel to work in real-time. Lastly, one week before La Tomatina, youtuber Jorge Cremades made a video inviting one of his followers to live La Tomatina with him amongst all the RT under #TomatweetdeOrlando. The video got 1 million views in a week.


The campaign exceeded our expectations: in just a month the 1st Virtual Solidarity Tomatina of the history helped 14.000 Spanish families, (vs the initial 10.000 kilos goal of donation). We got Orlando to be a topic of conversation from a solidarity perspective and a 100% of positive comments. The chosen influencers allowed us to increase our earned media and the interest generated by the charity action surrounding the festival got us to appear in the news. With almost 1 million euros in publicity value, a 493% ROI and a total scope of 92 million of impacts, the action surpassed the digital boundaries to be transformed in something much bigger: a new virtual solidarity tradition.

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