Cannes Lions



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- To promote tourism by South Africans in South Africa.- To create awareness of the opportunities for tourism and travel, i.e. inform and educate ALL South Africans about places to go, things to see and do and experience.- "Discover South Africa. Rediscover yourself".- To educate and inform South Africans of the benefits of tourism to South Africa.- What is in it for me?- Jobs, business opportunities, etc.- To create a nation of tourism friendly, experience enhancing South Africans. A program running throughout Tourism Month that encourages South Africans to visit and see their country, province, town, and suburb and share those experiences.This program was made up of several elements:- "Share South Africa Challenge" - A competition runs across 25 radio stations, encouraging South Africans to share their local tourism experiences.- Discover South Africa Roadshow - A branded bus containing 19 performers, which toured SA to attend provincial and community tourism events- Tourism Day Awards Ceremony held on 27th September."Share South Africa Challenge"Radio -Competition, which ran on 25, stations nationally. Stations were tasked to produce teaser and generic spots and run a competition in the style of the station, so it was more credible to the listener. Therefore, each station became a partner with SA Tourism. In this way SA Tourism obtained unquantifiable station involvement in the form of DJ live reads and explanations of how the competition works.Format: - Call to action phase: 5 day "Call to Action" Campaign to tell people to call in, why, etc.- Competition phase: A 1 week competition. The competition was a phone-in competition, the listeners call in and share their experience of South Africa. A selection of these are called back live/played back daily, a winner is chosen and receives a travel prize. - (These calls have all been burned onto CDs to be used for future domestic tourism radio spots. )Each Station was given a dedicated line for this competition from Telemessage with the Client receiving revenue from the calls. Strategised the entire eventSelected radio stations, negotiated rates for competitionSourced prizesNegotiated self-funding phone lines with TelemessageProject managed the competitions on all 25 Stations, so that they all ran concurrently and followed similar formats. Tourism month should be a winner, as it was an unprecedented event in South African Media. The Strategy goes beyond the standard media plan and involves education, events, advertising, PR, above the line media, media partnerships etc. The mechanics of the whole month were coordinated by the agency to ensure that the whole nation became involved in Tourism Month. Including 25 radio stations in a single promotion, each in their own style, with their own prizes is an incredible way of involving all South Africans in a nation building event. Encouraging partnership from television stations, newspapers, schools made sure that this message touched most South Africans in some way. The radio competition ran in the week of September 11th, which obviously had a bearing on the number of calls received. Therefore, it was for some stations the only positive message on the station that week.Obviously changing the mindset of a nation is not a process that can happen overnight, but was a great start with 80% of the country being involved in some way with Tourism Month.


Strategised the entire eventSelected radio stations, negotiated rates for competitionSourced prizesNegotiated self-funding phone lines with TelemessageProject managed the competitions on all 25 Stations, so that they all ran concurrently and followed similar formats.

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