Cannes Lions


SMFB, Oslo / RIKSTV / 2014

Case Film
MP3 Original Language
MP3 Translation






RiksTV, a digital TV provider, offers a service allowing you to watch the programs you have missed out on whenever you want. Norway is buzzing with anticipation every Winter Olympics. So much that we tend to forget that we all have appointments and duties that will prevent us from watching the Olympics on TV. We picked out real examples of everyday events that would take place in Norway at the exact same time as Olympic events on TV, and called actual people who would be involved in these rather small everyday events, to remind them of their upcoming dilemmas.


RiksTV is known for their focus on the everyday lives of Norwegian TV-viewers. Our creative approach further strengthened this. Our excitement towards the Winter Olympics and the fact that we tend to set everything else aside are familiar facts to us Norwegians, as well as the boring fact that we're doomed to miss out on big Olympic events due to other duties. The idea of communicating directly through mass media to the various people that would be involved in our chosen everyday events was an original direct marketing approach that also hit a note with a wider audience.


The campaign resulted in a 284% increase in subscription sales for RiksTV, the double of what they expected.

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