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Growing and expanding along with China’s growth and expansion, TCL has gradually developed from a tiny cassette-factory to a consumer electronics conglomerate on a global scale. The company has witnessed China’s transition from 'Made in China' to 'Created in China'. To celebrate TCL’s 30th anniversary, we designed an integrated public-relations strategy to bring the corporate campaign to an industrial level, by comparing TCL’s 30-year achievements with the current economic situation, as well as with the concerns of Chinese society.

After studying TCL’s history over the past 30 years, we realized that there is a real human-interest story with TCL that mirrors that of the Chinese people themselves. TCL and China’s Reform and Opening-Up share the same time-period of history, so along with the public, they share a common past and a common view of the future. We successfully connect the relationship of TCL’s development and the country’s development with the real concerns of Chinese society as a whole.

With our efforts, the public can see how China’s rapid growth and expansion has occurred by studying success stories like TCL; and the campaign has also pointed out that TCL is a tangible example for the public of the outstanding representation of China’s sustained economic growth.


1 letter to the Deputy PremierA letter to Deputy Premier, Zeng Peiyan, whereby we successfully got his approval and support.1 Seminar Global Competiveness of Chinese Enterprise: a grand seminar at the Great Hall of the People, Beijing, where key opinion-leaders were invited to get together and discuss China’s economic future.

1 BookStudy TCL’s Corporate History: a book published after the event to summarize its successful practice and set a good example for other Chinese companies.3 Celebrations:- Beijing Celebration: TCL Corporation’s 30th Anniversary Celebration Party, 'Chasing Dreams', was held at the Great Hall of the People. Guests included several imperative government officials from the state council of China.- Huizhou Celebration: As the birthplace of TCL, Huizhou means a lot to the company. Local government officials and local media were invited.- Global partners’ conference: Over 1,000 representatives from over 60 countries around the world attended it.


1. 20 KOLs proactively delivered positive comments in key publications to show support and to give their congratulations to TCL. 2. More than 10 top business-magazines, such as China Entrepreneur and Business Value, issued special editions and featured articles for the 30th anniversary of TCL. 3. New Media Communication. According to statistics provided by CNTV, over 29.07m people viewed the featured video and 60,900 people commented on it. Another famous website,, established a column which was viewed by 1.98m people. Moreover, TCL Corporation, Sina Weibo, was popular with the public and over 19.000 people re-tweeted it.

4. TCL won the award for China’s Top 10 Electronics Brands in Silicon Valley, hosted by IDG.

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