Cannes Lions


AFRICA, Sao Paulo / GRAAC / 2014

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image
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Our challenge was to find a way to help the Graacc's Children Cancer Hospital, which depends on donations to function. We did this creating a line of jewelry which used diamonds made from patients' hair, with revenues sent back to Graacc.

And what was the strength of the idea? Hair loss is one of the things that hits patients hardest and exposes them, especially children. We believe that by transforming this hair into diamonds, we transform a symbol of weakness into something unbreakable, like patient's hope should be.

Thus the name of the campaign: Unbreakable Hope.

The technology already existed and is used commercially by a Brazilian company called Brilho Infinito (Infinite Shine). The jewels were designed by a recognized designer, Ara Vartanian. After they were ready, some of the patients were photographed by one of Brazil's main photographers, Mauricio Nahas.

With the photos, we did an exhibition, ads, PR, this way calling media attention to the jewel collection and to Graacc's work. No one involved asked money for their participation.

In addition to bringing a positive message, which increased the self-esteem of Graacc patients, the Unbreakable Hope line will continue serving as a source of income for the hospital.


After the idea was presented, we coordinated a project involving a number of partners. First, the diamonds. We contacted the company Brilho Infinito, which got touched and entered the campaign. Then, the jewels. We invited Ara Vartanian, a Brazilian designer known for quality, beauty, and ingenuity in his creations.

Finally, the photographer Mauricio Nahas, one of the country's main professionals, who also got involved with the project. With the jewels, the launch point of the campaign was an exposition that called large-scale media attention to Graacc and its work.

We conducted a print campaign promoting the jewels and the campaign.

In addition, we used press officers from the agency as well as the jewel designer’s to make the splash as big as possible. There were four months of planning and execution until the exposition, which is now on display in the hallways at Graacc hospital.


With the Unbreakable Hope collection, we achieved a series of results.

With the exposition, we had large-scale media coverage, on a mass scale, with stories in the Estado de S.Paulo and Folha de S.Paulo newspapers, two of the country's most important, as well as on fashion, communications and trends publications, such as Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Glamurama, Latin Spots, among others. The jewels attracted attention and received numerous requests and, above all, as the collection will continue being offered, we created a source of extra income for Graacc to continue its work. Each jewel sold, in terms of financial return, is worth hundreds of donations for Graacc, if we take the average individual donation.

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