Cannes Lions

Verizon Run The Playlist


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Case Film
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Verizon Run The Playlist was born from a strategic insight into the deep cultural connections between American football, music, and community. With the NFL serving as a unifying force across diverse demographics, Verizon recognized an opportunity to leverage this cultural phenomenon to enhance brand engagement. The brief called for a campaign that would authentically connect Verizon with football fans, leveraging music as a conduit to deepen emotional resonance.

The primary objective was to create compelling branded content that would resonate with audiences on multiple platforms, from social media to in-stadium activations. By partnering with Uninterrupted, Verizon aimed to harness the authentic voices of NFL players to share stories about the songs that motivate them. Additionally, the campaign sought to drive brand love and engagement metrics, ultimately solidifying Verizon's position as a brand that understands and celebrates the intersection of sports, music, and technology in American culture.


Verizon Run The Playlist was created to bridge the realms of football and music, capitalizing on the profound emotional resonance NFL fans have with both. By strategically disseminating content across various touchpoints, our campaign effectively engaged audiences on their preferred platforms, including music streaming services, social media, and YouTube.

At its core, the initiative involved curating athlete-driven playlists on Apple Music, tailored to each NFL franchise, thereby embodying the unique spirit of each team and its city. Social media content featured NFL players selecting songs pivotal to their game day rituals, while on YouTube, collaborative dialogues between athletes and local musicians provided insights into the playlist creation process. This creative strategy not only bolstered brand credibility but also magnified Verizon's brand narrative by aligning it with the cultural discourse surrounding football and music.


Verizon Run The Playlist was born from deep insights into NFL fans' emotional connections to football and music. Recognizing this, the initiative aimed to authentically connect fans by spotlighting the intersection of these passions.

To build community, Verizon partnered with platforms like Uninterrupted and Apple Music, offering fans athlete-curated playlists. This strategy enhanced credibility and proximity to athletes, transcending traditional advertising methods. A multi-channel approach ensured broad distribution, while personalized engagement efforts deepened connections with individual fans.

These strategies positioned Verizon as deeply embedded in American sports and entertainment culture, cultivating a vibrant fan community who viewed Verizon as integral to their football experience. Uninterrupted's diverse audience of forever athletes and cultural tastemakers primarily composed of city-dwelling Gen Z and Millennials, provided an ideal platform for the content, amplifying the program’s reach and impact.


Verizon Run The Playlist was meticulously executed to maximize impact and engagement. The campaign's implementation began with athlete-curated playlists, strategically housed on Apple Music and promoted through partnerships with platforms like Uninterrupted. The timeline was synchronized with the NFL season, rolling out content aligned with some of the season’s biggest matchups, ensuring relevance and resonance with football fans throughout. The scale of the campaign was substantial, with long form content reaching a wide audience on Youtube, and short form social media videos landing on Instagram, Youtube (shorts), and TikTok. By seamlessly integrating storytelling with strategic distribution, Verizon effectively captured the attention of fans at every level of their fandom, solidifying its presence as a brand deeply embedded in the cultural fabric of American sports and entertainment.


Verizon Run The Playlist excelled, boasting a remarkable 500% increase in sentiment and engagement metrics, surpassing all other brand initiatives. A resounding 77% of fans expressed a strong desire to explore the brand further, and furthermore, nine out of ten respondents endorsed the strategic partnership with Uninterrupted, recognizing its efficacy in amplifying Verizon's message. Notably, posts reposted by the NFL garnered 10 times more clicks, highlighting the partnership’s reach and impact. Post-campaign exposure, Verizon emerged as a beacon of innovation and authenticity, fostering genuine connections with its audience. Even brief encounters with "Run The Playlist" significantly boosted brand awareness and perception, solidifying Verizon's position as a leader in marketing excellence. This campaign sets a new standard for compelling storytelling and audience engagement, epitomizing Verizon's commitment to innovation and connection in the marketing landscape.

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