Cannes Lions

Video City


Presentation Image
Case Film






With most brands focusing on the obvious target which is teenagers, Netflix went against the grain and focused on the parents by creating ‘Parents Break’, a space exclusively designed for them. The idea was to allow parents to relax and enjoy Netflix content, get access to exclusive merchandising, hang out with the most popular YouTubers and make their kids excruciatingly jealous. We gave them special goodies that included punchlines to join Netflix' conversations and spoilers in case their kids were acting up. Thanks to this, parents became Netflix experts, just like their kids. The exclusive aspect of the space attracted curious teenagers, triggered press curiosity and had parents engage with the brand.


We set up a space throughout the entire duration of Video City (2 days), entirely branded and customized (with both Parents Break visuals and Netflix brand identities). The cosy space of 150m2 was equipped with sofas, chairs, tables, carpets and most importantly, 40 iPads all connected to Netflix. With goodies created especially for the event, we gave parents all the cards to show off in front of theirs kids: information on the most loved teenagers shows, mugs, headphones, and bags with catchphrases specifically designed for parents (“Come and eat or I’ll change the Netflix’ password). The space was strategically positioned in front of the influencer autograph stand, assuring high visitor visibility. A guard at the entry controlled the entrance, standing by a sign “This space is exclusively for parents, no kids allowed”. Every time a kid was trying to get in the space, the guard was removing him/her outside.


Netflix targeted a group that was completely ignored at last year’s Video City and therefore became the most visible brand at the event: 1.2M reactions on social media, 12M PR impressions and 40 000 happy parents & jealous children. ‘Parents Break’ was also featured in the news segment of national channels, a first for Netflix in France.

By targeting a group that is usually ignored at this event, Netflix moved the needle in terms of consumer behaviour: parents got engaged in a brand that is usually exclusive to their kids, and a precedent was created in terms of cross-generational communication for Netflix.

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