Cannes Lions

Vim Black . Fake Product . Unreal Impact

LOWE LINTAS, Mumbai / VIM / 2023

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Case Film






Vim, the largest and fastest growing dishwashing brand of India, took it upon itself to stand for the women it served. However, this time, we needed to talk to the men, as it’s their mindset that needed changing, but also to the society that labels chores as only a woman’s job. The society exempts men from dishwashing therefore men conveniently blind side these conversations. We needed a bold provocation to get their attention.

And hence we clearly had to provoke and create a spark that did the conversation for us…and kept it alive. So, while we did launch with influencers the content was disruptive. Unboxing the first ever dishwashing liquid for men. Vim Black….so that there was enough debate on the real subject, which could not be communicated but had to be spoken about.


Men notice things that are made only for men…and hence we did a men’s only pack launch called Vim Black – the first ever dish washing product in the world, made only for men. Vim Black “Easy to Clean, More to Brag”.

Men occasionally wash dishes and think of it as a favour to women and hence brag. To highlight this regressive behaviour, we got male influencers to launch this on Instagram and post unboxing videos, alongside bragging about occasional dishwashing. Our satirical provocation successfully created a fierce debate, and many celebrities, influencers, media joined in the conversation, pointing out the obvious. Then our leading female influencers revealed that it was a fake launch. Meanwhile CNBC picked up the conversation on FICCI. The idea of the limited-edition launch was to draw the attention of society to this nuanced but critical conversation that we must have to actually influence mass change.


We were talking to urban men, who when doing household chores consider it a help to the women – and brag. We thus decided to talk to the bragging men of India who believed that chores weren’t their assigned job. This nuanced conversation needed a strategic approach that created umbrage.

We deliberately used male influencers known for their machoism to give dishwashing a brag-tag and then let the society see the flaw in it and trash this bragging. We got female influencers to reveal that it is a fake product. A fake launch to ignite the woke brigade to shame the bragging and then a reveal to reinforce our stance on bragging-free equality was our strategy. We created the spark and as expected our urban audiences across the nation responded – because how do you ignore a dishwash liquid for men.


1. Mysterious FAKE Launch of Vim Black:

A launch film featuring the former supermodel, runner, with a large male following Milind Soman on Instagram/MTV/VH1. To amplify the intrigue, we got 6 male influencers (collective 2.4 million followers) to post unboxing videos of the product while bragging alongside.

2. Fuel to the conversation

Over a 1000+ memes created. We partnered with Alexa & Google to activate a Vim Black mode with a male voice answering all their dishwashing excuses. There was an organic media explosion with a question on the national stage at FICCI on CNBC 28 Mn reach. Economic Times asked folks to dishwash their sense of humour! 150+ organic articles carried it on.

3. Reveal our stance of Bragging free Chore Neutrality:

We got female influencers (10 million followers) to unveil the huge drama needed to get men to listen in - the pack was fake. Impact was real.


We got social communities, industry leaders, leading platforms to debate about this unacceptable behavior seeded in prejudices. Economic Times, no. 1 financial daily sparked a conversation The prestigious CNBC FICCI, Federation-of-Indian-Chamber-of-Commerce, stage, with state ministers, corporate India discussed this.

- 330 million INR earned media for 35 million paid media.

- 10X earned media impact in 72 hours.

- Organic CNBC coverage 28 million. FICCI stage.

- Organic Economic Times editorial coverage – 4.2 million.

- 150+ million views and impressions on Instagram.

- +150 press articles – 95% organic.

- 1000+ memes in hours of launch.

- +5000% increase in search trend on Google.

- +1 million Instagram searches for Vim page.

- 20%+ engagement on branded content --- 6X that of industry standards.

- 93% positive conversations.

- Women care for brands that care for them - Improved 200 bps on “Brand I trust” attribute on brand track.

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Vim Black. Fake Product. Unreal Impact.


Vim Black. Fake Product. Unreal Impact.

2024, VIM

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