Cannes Lions


WASKMAN, Bilbao / VODAFONE / 2009

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We couldn’t showcase the product pack in a real way since our target was on the Internet and since the product was meant to be used in locations outside cities. Therefore we thought it would be best to invite the most respected Spanish bloggers to try the product for themselves and let their readers know about their experience.

The interesting part of the action was that the bloggers would not write just a regular post, but a post in a location where they would have never thought a post could be written. The bloggers helped broadcast the benefits of the product pack in an honest and aspirational way.

Bloggers, as a channel to communicate the benefits of the product, was a resounding success, since the action achieved a lot of notoriety- and not just because Vodafone said so, but because well-respected and independent bloggers tried and tested the product pack.


It is not possible to establish a link between the sales increase of the product pack and this campaign in particular since Vodafone carried out other campaigns about the product pack at the same time. In any case, the overall sales increased, but we cannot say whether they were motivated by just this action. The brand and product pack awareness increased by an amazing 1800% since before the campaign. The product was mentioned in around 800 websites in Spanish, and after the campaign, appeared in more than 14,000 websites.

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