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A marriage of photography, standard video, interactive 360 technology, and gyroscopic navigation, the Visa 360 Cam is a groundbreaking example of multiple existing creative disciplines aligning to create a singular vision. It is also the first time 360 video capture technologies has been used on Olympic athletes to the scale and breadth that this app represents.

The interactive video experience helps fans get closer to Winter Olympic athletes through panoramic HD video footage (captured with a multi-camera set up), rendered to create a seamless, 360-degree, first-person perspective on Olympic training.

The app’s interface works with your device’s gyroscope. By tilting and moving your mobile device, you can shift the camera's perspective a full 360 degrees. Look up, down, behind and to the side and see what the athlete sees, and hear their thoughts as they train. And change the POV to standard video of the athletes and non-standard camera angles (like the Face Cam and Goalie cam) to get even closer to the action. By getting “in the athlete’s shoes,” fans get the unprecedented access to the competition and culture of the Games.

The app was a marquee piece of Visa’s global introduction of the brand’s tagline “Everywhere you want to be. ” In a world that is becoming more mobile, social and connected, “Everywhere” embraces and embodies the opportunities of an integrated, mobile and multi-platform campaign.

By putting users in the shoes and headspace of Olympians as they train for Sochi, they’re virtually with the athletes as they strive to reach their everywhere. Fans get unprecedented access to the competition and culture of the Games that only Visa can give them. They experience the everyday training moments that propel them toward Sochi — and are inspired by the athletes to reach for their own Everywhere.


The Visa 360 Cam was launched globally on January 25th, 2014 across iOS and Android platforms around the world. Localized versions of the app were offered to the markets, allowing them to customize by language and athlete/sport representation.

The app tapped into the hearts of Olympic fans all around the world, putting them “in their shoes” and closer to the athletes like never before. And they stepped up — between January 25 – February 23, the app was downloaded 329,125 times in over 100 countries around the world, and shared across global social platforms.

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