Cannes Lions

Vivicittá RaceTV


Presentation Image
Case Film
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Let's give every single runner an individually personalized short movie, that serves as a memory about the event and their own running accomplishment. Let's make these videos accessible as quickly as possible, and make it possible for them to collect congratulation, on the side of this easily shareable content.


We built a technological chain based on Telekom services, which is amazing in its complexity, but the building blocks of it couldn’t be any simpler.

We identified each of the runners through their race tags, all those tags contained unique RFID chips.

We set up 4 remotely controlled slow-motion cameras that communicated through Telekom super-fast creatively applied 4G network. On top of these robotic cameras, we used 2 drones and 4 field units to make our videos even more spectacular. During the race, we uploaded 1.6 Gigabyte data per a minute.

Meanwhile, all the gathered data has been processed real time by 204 cloud servers using 410 cores. They edited the scenes added supers of time results, audio and mood clips from around the event.

So by the time runners crossed the finish line they got our message with a link to their personalized film.


People actively wanted to watch and share these branded but personalized videos, they commented loud and clear “Bravo Telekom”.

The direct emails about these videos had a record open rate: 74%. (benchmark 25%).

The share rate was over 10%, and that is two orders of magnitude better than the average share rate of a Telekom fan page video post (0.1%). Also, important to note that the actual reach of this personalized campaign was larger than the number of runners by the factor of 10.

The best thing was, that not only the participants of Telekom Vivicittá were touched, but their social environment as well. In average all shared videos attracted hundreds of curious views, which means little by little the impact grew as big as a full-featured digital campaign but used no paid placement at all.

The trade press called the campaign a “world record ad production".

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2023, AXE

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