Cannes Lions

Volvo Cars: Reborn

LONGWISE, Shanghai / VOLVO / 2023

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The Volvo Saved My Life Club is a unique membership organization for Volvo car owners. Its members are made up of lucky survivors, who experienced horrific traffic accidents but survived thanks to the protection provided by Volvo cars and were able to return to their normal lives.

How to effectively communicate with consumers in a gentle yet persuasive and easily acceptable manner about a heavy topic, Car accidents, which is usually related to life and death. What's more, how Volvo Car's brand proposition of "Volvo for Love and Life" can be accepted and understood by more consumers?This is the conundrum we face.

After extensive discussions and interviews with car owners, we chose an empathetic industry perspective and creatively adopted a documentary-style approach to achieve a far-reaching impact that is far beyond the car accident itself and even surpasses the automobile industry.


True stories are the most touching. "Birthdays" is a unique celebration for club members who survived from car accidents. From then on, there are two "birthdays", one for newborn life and one for rebirth. To convey the brand proposition of "Never Betray Love and Life", we direct a new semi-open documentary to record a special birthday for three survivors whose relatives and friends never gave up on loving, accompanying and helping them to be "reborn".


The true stories of the 66 members of the China Volvo Saved My Life Club are sufficient to showcase the safety of Volvo cars. Instead of the usual focus on gruesome car accident scenes by automobile companies, exploring the daily lives of these fortunate survivors adds more tension to the overall story. Consequently, we use the daily lives of real car owners as our creative starting point, and through continuous communication, derive the theme of "one life, two birthdays" to celebrate the rebirth of those who have experienced life and death situations. In comparison to the didactic brand TVC communication method, documenting real-life experiences through a documentary approach resonates more with consumers, resulting in a favorable dissemination effect.


As soon as the video was released, the video sparked widespread sharing and reposting by KOLs, KOCs, and self-media platforms across the Chinese internet, which was covered and reported by mainstream official media, such as China Newsweek, Phoenix Weekly, and The Economic Observer. Among them, on Weibo, China's major social media platform, three related topics about the Life Miracle Club climbed the trending charts, with the highest topic reaching 120 million+ views and 5.1k+ interactions. Ultimately, the main video achieved a total exposure of 134 million, a total play volume of 54.052 million+, and a total of 394K+ interactions.

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