Cannes Lions

Wake Up and Dream

MJZ, Los Angeles / XBOX / 2024







In October, Xbox acquired game studios Activision, Blizzard, and King and became the biggest gaming entity in history. This struck fear into the hearts of players who feared a gaming monopoly.

Instead of using the deal to cast a shadow over the industry, Xbox extended an invitation to all gamers: "On in 5?" This simple message gets back to the reason gamers play in the first place–to connect, to have fun, and to power their dreams.


In our central long form film, our protagonist comes home from a trying day only to receive a simple Xbox mobile notification “On in 5?” This message prompts her to open her world to all the adventures that await her at her Xbox console. As she enters her apartment complex, her world and the world of her gaming dreams start to intersect on each other. The closer she gets to her console, the more she leaves logic at the front door and embraces dream logic.

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