Cannes Lions


HOY, Buenos Aires / ALMA / 2022

Presentation Image
Case Film
Digital Proof JPG






A.L.M.A. is the Alzheimer's Association of Argentina. It seeks to spread knowledge of the disease and help improve the quality of life of patients and their families.

In this context, they wanted to generate a disruptive and low-budget awareness campaign.

The main objective was to raise awareness with a hopeful message, taking into account that Alzheimer's is an evolutive disease that has no cure. Therefore, containment and support are essential to improve the patient's quality of life. The NGO provides this support and the request was to create a campaign that allows the population to empathize with people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.


The campaign sought to raise awareness among the general population. That is why we chose to communicate through public roads, using billboards located in the busiest avenues and streets of Buenos Aires. Additionally, photos were taken of the billboards that became prints and a video-content was generated showing the action of the billboards to disseminate in the press and social networks and thus further amplify the campaign.


The action was carried out guerrilla style. We were detecting in the city the best located and best stories to tell through the details that were still standing. For this, we had a scouting of 2 months and negotiations with construction companies to gain access to these places to be able to intervene the medianeras with posters containing the message of the campaign. The negotiations were with a zero budget, since all of them were willing to collaborate with the association.

The action lasted for a month and we were able to intervene in 7 of the city's medianeras. With the photos of the billboards, a graphics campaign was carried out and the video content was uploaded to A.L.M.A.'s own media and generated organic PR.


The most interesting thing about the action is that by hacking the conventional public spaces we were able to save close to $4.000.000 (u$s 20.000) in media (OOH) that the Association could never have sustained and achieve a unique visibility. Not only because of the exposure of the billboards but also because of the PR generated by the disruptive action.

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