Cannes Lions

Wazen Program : English meaning ( Balance Program )


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Case Film






Having people coming to Nahdi store for the weight-in from 2 to 5 times is a creative idea by itself, we increased the brand equity by applying a wellness program called wazen on social media and inside the store and we made sure that we have high traffic to the store, and finally we engaged Nahdi assistant pharmacist to be part of this social responsibility program which added a lot to their morals and took them out of the daily routine.

We encouraged the audience to be proactive and start adopting a healthy life style to win the competition, we avoid using the old ways of one way communication about tips and advices.

We created our own biggest looser competition inside Nahdi store using the social media.


*Active the competition inside 30 Stores around Jeddah in different districts.

*Distributed 30 electronic scales to measure our guest weights.

*Trained 60 pharmacist assistants to take our guests' weights.

*Prepared an e-form to register our guests weight information.

*starting from 25th of November 2015 to 16th of Jan 2016 from registration to follow up to Tournament

*take the guest to the medical checkup to excluded falls data and cheating attempts

*nominate top 20 winners in the competition through the social media

*announce the top 3 winners according to the % of weight loss.

*during the competition we encouraged people to visit our social media platforms to get the right fitness & nutrition tips from the Wazen ambassadors

*note: each contestant need to visit the pharmacy 2 times at least to be eligible for winning

*the social media platforms is our tool of communication during the competition


*The purpose of this is to gain attention to Wazen in order to create a word of mouth to become viral over the social media channels and get the targeted number of customers to the pharmacies to join the competition.

We have achieved this goal by having more than 123,000 views for the flashmob on social media platforms.

We targeted 1500 participants in Wazen competition inside Nahdi store at the beginning of the program but we managed to have 2772 participants who managed to lose of 3774 KG of total weight.

This flashmob was one of the exiting things that took place in Saudi and the positive comments on social media was a prove for that.

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