Cannes Lions

Web of Infamy

72ANDSUNNY, New York / DIAEGO / 2020

Presentation Image
Supporting Images
Demo Film






As the vodka market became crowded, Smirnoff challenged us to create a distinct and own-able brand world on social media to accompany the launch of their first truly global campaign in over 25 years: Infamous since 1864.

We exposed all 155 years of deception, revolution, exile, bankruptcy, and resurrection with an evidence wall on Instagram. A peek inside the brand’s illustrious past, littered with secrets within videos, images, carousels, and gifs. Things no brand would ever admit to. By owning up to our infamous past, we didn’t just claim infamy, we lived it.


Our visual architecture that spans 155 years of infamous happenings includes a variety of tools and design levers. A rich and colourful world, distinct with memorable characters, texture, anecdotes, props and tools to play with. Users will scroll, view and interact with our eclectic lineage, a timeline attentively curated to provide a visually rich and entertaining experience.

How we package this all together is critical to our identity; conviction and confidence being two key values that define who we are today. The intermixing of our texturally rich past, layered with mischief, modern day aesthetics and sophistication, should conclude a distinct and memorable experience.

At the heart of our design direction the viewer/user will immediately identify with the framework semiotics of a crime investigation board, a world of texture, materials, and layered dimensions fused together with an interconnected ‘Red thread’.

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