Cannes Lions
Scholz & Volkmer produce the web special by order of Mercedes-Benz. The offers of the Mercedes-Benz/t-online portal, that has gone online August 23,2001, are presented to the players through small games and effects. The game was running from December 2 to December 23 2001.In an enchanted wish forest, the wishes of all players turn into trees. If the player is diligently playing, formulates an ingenious wish, and has a little bit of luck, he can win a Mercedes-Benz A-Class, or attractive weekly prizes.The central idea of the "Wish Forest" game is: "Everyone has wishes". The player formulates a wish. Instead of the wish, a tree is planed in the virtual wish forest. Every player can read the wishes of the other players, and can reward the best wishes by watering them.You can increase the water supply by daily answering questions that refer to the Mercedes-Benz Portal. Apart from that, the diligence of every player is rewarded - action games are not only for the player's diversion but also serve to accummulat water. The players get bonus points if they send e-cards to friends or if they recommend the game. If this is not enough, various flying objects give the player userful hints from the Mercedes-Benz Portal. When clicking on these objects you get additional water.
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