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WhatsApping to Fitness – The Quaker Way 

MINDSHARE, Gurgaon / PEPSICO / 2018

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Case Film
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Habits take time to formulate – and Healthy habits even more. Typically, it takes 21 days for an avg. person to develop a habit. People want to be healthy and fit and generally make fitness resolutions, but often fail to keep them and break them within the first 7 days.

We observed that through Social Listening and Conversation analysis, that this is primarily due to lack of constant motivation or guided support.

Another prominent habit of Urban youth today (basis Consumer Research and Social Listening) are actively searching for food from various food-tech platforms like Zomato, Swiggy.


Urban Youth- typically in the age bracket of 18-30 mostly in Metros and class 1 cities.

People who pursue an active lifestyle and are conscious of their health.


Make Quaker a partner in consumers quest for good health and fitness, by being relevant to its customer’s lifestyle.


The Scale of Execution

Using cutting-edge technological solutions Ketchupp on behalf of Quaker Oats engaged with the users.

Using a Randomizer tool and a custom CRM interface we were able to schedule specific tasks for users and maintain a one –to- one communication over 21 days

Ketchupp guided them with personal queries pertaining to their diet, fitness regime & lifestyle.

Since users had opted in to interact and get custom challenges, the interaction rate was very high.

Users proactively shared their pictures/video of participation and thank you messages appreciating the activity.

The Key Challenges

The biggest hurdle was to manage the interaction with the consumers on Whatsapp on a one-to-one basis.

We had to ensure that the conversations were adapted in real-time basis user’s inputs and that the user did not end up feeling he was talking to machine.

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