Cannes Lions

Where's my sock?


Presentation Image
Presentation Image
Case Film
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In a world where brands are trying to change the world, Monoprix got a little jealous.

How could we make our own contribution to changing the world?

We looked everywhere for humanity’s biggest, most universal problem.

And suddenly it hit us.


Ever since socks were created, people have been losing them.

This is just… sad.


At Monoprix, we knew we’d never be able to solve the eternal problem of socks loss.

But we came up with a disarmingly simple solution… a three-sock pair.

Two socks, plus an extra one for the one that might tragically disappear.


In France, Monoprix is mostly famous for putting puns on all its packaging. This campaign stays true to the brand’s tongue-in-cheek DNA, while providing an actual take on one of humanity’s biggest problems… and a disarmingly simple solution. By leaning on a very simple, yet universal insight, we were able to appeal to a wider audience.


To launch our film, we released our film on Twitter with a very simple hashtag: #OùEstMaChaussette (#WheresMySock) – a subject we knew would be conversational thanks to data gathering.

Soon enough, it went viral, and everyone was talking about… socks.

The film was also pushed on Facebook (where Monoprix gathers more than 1 million fans), Instagram and Youtube (true view), and we created a custom 3-sock emoji just for the occasion.

The three-sock pairs were sold on Monoprix’s website and in our major stores in France, including Monoprix’s new flagship store on the Champs-Elysées. We set up an important DOOH indoor scenery to explain our concept in the clothes department. We also gave away some of our “pairs” through a Twitter contest.


In the few hours following the launch, we quickly registered 2,2M views of the video, 71K social interactions, predominantly positive.

We gathered more than 35M media impressions in just one day.

We also generated more than 50 press articles, both national and international, representing 21M RP impressions. It was the best illustration of the universal lost-sock insight.

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