Cannes Lions


Y&R, Sao Paulo / VIVO / 2011






For a company sponsoring the Brazilian Soccer Team, the World Cup is the most important stage for the activation and return of this investment. However, besides the nine brands that sponsor the Brazilian team, there are other dozens that use the soccer theme in their communications.So, Vivo decided to innovate and develop a new form of engagement with the Brazilian fans, valuing an increasing characteristic: activism in social networks.

The 2010 World Cup would be different. More than cheering, people would live the Cup. Criticize, share, create, and give opinions. Thus euvivoaseleçã was born, an online platform that would stimulate Brazilians to go beyond celebration, becoming the meeting point for those that love the Brazilian Team, and more than that, the starting point for a series of actions that joined TV, print, PR, events, content and promotion, all based on our users' engagement.


The euvivoaseleçã platform was built to be transformed into each user's online engagement thermometer. Moreover, it worked as a hub that enabled the interaction between Vivo and fans, becoming the backbone to integrate all campaign developments.With an online media campaign, we conquered our first users, which were the starting point to begin our engagement actions, spreading from the beginning of the campaign, in April, to the end of the Cup: two TV commercials with the users' participation, excursions to the team's practice facilities, parties at the users' homes on game days, journalistic coverage in South Africa, an event for 40 thousand people at Maracanã and even a film with Pelé where the users chose how his last goal with the Brazilian team jersey would be.All this through participative activities in twitter, facebook, flickr, orkut and youtube connecting people and showing the Brazilians' pride of its Soccer Team.


Vivo jumped ahead of other large brands in the World Cup, coming closer to the soccer theme and establishing great emotional ties with Brazilian fans. This success was proven in numbers:- 3.3 million visits and 178,618 users registered in the I Live the Brazilian Team platform;- The generated content had over 160 thousand tweets and retweets;- euvivoaseleçã was among the 15 sites most accessed by people in the sports-content category.

- Coverage with 66 million unique visitors impacted (90% from Brazilian Internet).- The film on Pelé's last goal was a landmark for Vivo: there were 2.8 million views.The 2010 World Cup action strategy with integrated and differentiated actions showed the Vivo Brand more organic and present in people's lives, reinforcing its link with the Brazilian Team, Brazil and Brazilians.

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