Cannes Lions

World Vision - Well Water

kbs+ TORONTO, Toronto / WORLD VISION / 2016

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Well Water makes you stronger, smarter, more productive and live longer*

To show what access to clean water means in developing countries, we put the power of water into perspective for North Americans by turning it into a product that can make truly unbelievable claims. We called it Well Water and rolled it out like a bold new player in the beverage category. The entire campaign was designed to: create conversation about a new product that makes impossible claims and then show how the claims are possible.


Break the category with a break through product

Intentionally deviating from conventional charity communication, we looked to refreshment advertising to create a product that could breakthrough in this category.

Execution began with the creation of our product, Well Water.

The elegant glass bottle was chosen for its premium quality and is designed to hold our entire story: Well Water’s incredible claims, the context for 663 million people, and the call to action.

From here, we built the Well Water brand. A simple logo alludes to the real source of well water and incorporates the iconic orange of World Vision’s brand. Secondary brand colours were chosen for their attention grabbing hues and ability to fit with Well Water’s audacious messaging.

The most important touch point is the product itself. Custom packaging and bespoke note cards were created to send the product to influencers and generate conversation online. All of our above the line messaging


Well Water garnered attention and donations

Our unique approach to charity advertising increased favourability and generated awareness for World Vision’s water projects. By positioning well water as a product with unbelievable benefits, we intrigued people enough to learn more and donate.

After just three weeks:

• Traffic on was up 33%

• New users was up 27%

• Donations made directly to World Vision Water Projects were up 393%

These early metrics indicate that we’ve achieved in shifting people’s understanding with respect to what World Vision does and actually moved them to donate.

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