Cannes Lions

Your ad on my prosthesis

AIR PARTNER OF McCANN, Brussels / CAP48 / 2018

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Case Film
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Thierry is a guy from Brussels who wears an arm prosthesis. He dominated the media with a remarkable business proposal. He noticed he gets a lot of stares at his disability. So he wanted to benefit from all the views by renting his prosthesis to businesses as a new advertising medium. If people were interested, they could contact him by mail. After a while Thierry revealed in prime time news that his idea was in fact a stunt for the new campaign of CAP48. A Belgian organisation that fights for a better integration of people with a handicap. They wanted to show that for people with a disability, it is not always pleasant to only be looked at as disabled.


Thierry mailed the press to ask them to help him with his new business, His question was quickly picked up by the local media and the bigger media’s quickly followed. After only two days he became hot topic in prime time news, several radio stations, newspapers and blogs.


It became the most talked about campaign ever. CAP48 never got so much media attention in their 60 years existence. Our fake news had a real impact as we reached 81% of the population with the message to stop the staring and start looking at the personality, instead of just the disability.

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