Cannes Lions



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Depaul UK is a charity that helps young people who are homeless, vulnerable, and disadvantaged. With an ageing donor base (the majority of whom were over 65) Depaul UK needed to find a way to connect with a younger audience to ensure a solid source of funding for the future. Previous campaigns had tried to achieve this, but with a limited media budget engaging and recruiting new younger donors was proving difficult.This is the story of what can be achieved on a miniscule budget with a powerful idea and the right approach to testing and learning in order to make creativity as effective as possible.When iHobo launched in April 2010 it was an instant success, getting young affluent people to engage with the issue of homelessness in a way that they never had before. People suddenly gained an insight into the complexity of the issue, and stopped turning a blind eye. iHobo made people dig into their pockets and do something practical to help Depaul UK help young homeless people. It also convinced a percentage of those who downloaded the app that it was worth them giving their details to Depaul UK and agreeing to be contacted in future for fundraising purposes. But given how successful the app was in engaging people, we wanted to get more people to volunteer their details. Although engagement and instant donations were great, Depaul UK’s key commercial objective was to rebuild and rejuvenate their database, and the first version of iHobo was not performing as effectively as it could have done against this objective. We re-examined the way the app worked and started to think about how iHobo could be made more effective at meeting the key commercial objective. It became clear that there was the potential to add another layer of engagement to iHobo, and more importantly that there was the opportunity to build on what we had learnt about the experience architecture in v.1 and create iHobo v.1.1 that would be far more effective than its predecessor in recruiting new database contacts and therefore fulfilling Depaul UK’s key commercial objective.Once improvements were made to make the experience more conducive to achieving these commercial objectives we saw a fivefold increase in the number of new database contacts, and potential ROI increased by more than 150% despite a further investment of just £6,000 in new developments to create iHobo v. 1.1.

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