Film Craft > Film Craft


HEAT, San Francisco / PEPSICO / 2019

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Demo Film
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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

We open on a vast desert vista in a video game universe, surrounded by mountains and a giant force-field stretching across the sky. Our Gamer is confidently riding an eight-legged tank through the valley in the midst of the final moments of a last-man standing shooter game. He takes a long drink of MNT DEW AMP GAME FUEL as his final hidden opponent fires from a nearby mountain. Our gamer, totally unphased, effortlessly kicks his tank’s cannon accurately into position and fires a missile directly at the hidden sniper. He’s directly on target, and completely obliterates the entire mountain side, winning the game.

Cultural/Context information for the jury

Our audience lives for competition, and everything they do is about winning bigger. They’re gaming experts who are quick to disregard anything inauthentic. So, we focused on share of culture and paid homage to gaming universes with rich environments, soundscapes and insider elements. We created gaming easter eggs like a creeping bubble shield, damage readouts and more. We delivered our message in the places they spend their time– scrolling down their social feed or watching eSports highlights on TV.

Tell the jury about the production design/art direction. You may wish to comment on choices, challenges or effects.

Video games are a portal to different realities. They offer new lives to gamers as heroes, competitors, or conquerors. We designed our spots to honor these virtual realities by dropping the “virtual” and presenting them as they are to gamers, simply reality. The spots didn’t use typical UI elements to telegraph the game, we built worlds that were inherently true to gaming and brought the feeling of being in a game to viewers.