Film Craft > Film Craft



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This film is a journey to show how our wishes are interconnected and how they could be fulfilled with one single brand Flipkart.

It starts with Mr. Subramaniam, who wants to keep himself busy after retirement. He orders the gardening tool & fulfilsl his wish of gardening. The excess fruits from his orchard are sent to his sister who used them to make a cake which is sent to her daughter’s office. The chain continues and we see how we all love to wish & the brand Flipkart is omnipresent at each point. The story covers the whole stretch of India from North to South in the process. At the end we see little girl’s wish for a bag can also be fulfilled by flipkart even in the remotest area. As the VO says at the end “ While some enjoy making a wish, we (flipkart) enjoy fulfilling it.”


For a long time, Flipkart has been known as the ‘Online megastore.’ Through this campaign, the brand wanted to build a closer human/emotional connect with the consumers.

We found the one thing that’s common to all of us, despite our ages, genders and social classes.


All of us wish for something. A little girl may wish for a soft toy from her mother, a middle-aged couple for their favourite old music, and an old lady for good health.

Wishing gives us hope, wishing excites us, it keeps us in a positive frame of mind, and makes us look forward to life with a little more zest and energy.

This campaign attempts to change the way Flipkart has ever spoken to, or connected with its consumers. The brand has tried to create a real human persona, by embracing every Indian netizen and smart phone user as their family.


The pivotal idea here was to create a brand’s story not through moving pictures, but through still images.The film uses the most unconventional means of storytelling – myriad forms of photography. This was purposely done not only to break away from regular video format but because of the fact that sometimes images tells more than a video. It also helped us to tell this longish story in short duration.Every minute detail in each image facilitated a wholesome telling of the individual stories.