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Silver Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Luxury & Lifestyle?

The retail sector is often associated with exclusivity and privilege. And in Brazil, also with racial profiling and bias. By championing antiracism through a luxury product, inclusivity and social responsibility within an industry that historically lacks diversity, the initiative showcases the luxury sector's potential to advocate for marginalized communities and redefine traditional notions of luxury by prioritizing ethical values and social impact.

These bags are designed by famous designers in Brazil and these cost more than 500 dollars each. For the local market is a luxury item and it’s a collaboration with the designers using their names as brands too.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In Brazil, systemic racism persists despite its racial diversity, affecting retail spaces with common bag checks targeting Black shoppers, reflecting racial profiling. Launched on March 21st, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the campaign emphasizes the commitment to addressing racism and promoting inclusivity. The involvement of designer Naya Violeta adds cultural relevance, showcasing Black talent and empowerment in the fashion industry. The campaign acknowledges Brazil's complex racial dynamics while advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the luxury and lifestyle sectors.



In Brazil, luxury and lifestyle industries often overlook diversity, equity, and inclusion issues, perpetuating systemic racism in consumer experiences. Demand rises for brands to address social issues and promote inclusivity.


Racismo Zero partnered with designer Naya Violeta to launch the Antiracist Bag, aiming to elevate diversity discourse in luxury sectors. The product empowers consumers to challenge retail racism.


- Position the Antiracist Bag as an activist symbol for affluent, socially responsible consumers;

- Raise awareness and engagement on racial injustice in luxury and lifestyle industries;

- Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion by amplifying marginalized voices;

- Establish the Antiracist Bag as an aspirational accessory aligned with inclusive values.

Describe the creative idea

The Antiracist Bag initiative merges luxury fashion with social activism. Led by Racismo Zero and Brazilian designer Naya Violeta, the bag's sophisticated design incorporates a bold message of empowerment with antiracism legislation labels. This innovative approach challenges traditional luxury norms, using fashion to drive social change. Through celebrity endorsements, limited editions, and philanthropy, the initiative sparks dialogue, raises awareness, and inspires consumer action for positive transformation.

Describe the strategy

The strategy starts with thorough data collection on retail racial discrimination, targeting affluent consumers who prioritize luxury and social responsibility, including socially conscious individuals and affected Black communities. Collaborating with designer Naya Violeta, the Antiracist Bag merges luxury with activism, offering exclusivity and empowerment. Limited editions drive urgency, while philanthropy showcases commitment to social justice. Strategic partnerships and celebrity endorsements spark dialogue and solidarity, catalyzing systemic change in luxury and lifestyle sectors.

Describe the execution

The execution involves collaborating with designer Naya Violeta to create the Antiracist Bag, incorporating antiracism legislation labels. Limited edition releases, endorsed by influencers and celebrities, generated anticipation and engagement. Launched on March 21st, periodic releases maintain momentum, initially available online in key Brazilian markets. Gradual expansion occurs nationally and potentially internationally, leveraging partnerships with luxury retailers to maximize impact and reach diverse audiences.

List the results

Reach: The campaign attained a remarkable reach of 15 million and US$ 2 million in earned media, amplifying its message to a wide audience;

Engagement: High levels of engagement were generated, indicating strong interest and interaction from the audience;

Impact: With an overall impact of 43 million impressions and a 16:1 ROI, the campaign significantly influenced public discourse on diversity, equity, and inclusion within the luxury and lifestyle sectors;

Brand Perception: The campaign positively impacted brand perception, positioning the brand as a leader in promoting diversity and inclusion, thus enhancing its reputation and credibility;

Achievement Against Business Targets: The campaign surpassed business targets, driving sales and revenue while simultaneously advancing its mission of promoting diversity and inclusion within the luxury and lifestyle industries, and destining part of the profit to Racismo Zero's training program.

Please tell us how the work tackled and confronted disparities within the entertainment industry.

The work confronted disparities within the entertainment industry by leveraging its influence to champion diversity and inclusion. Through strategic partnerships and endorsements by prominent figures, the campaign showcased the significance of representation and empowerment. Featuring Black designers such as Naya Violeta, the initiative challenged industry norms and addressed systemic inequalities within luxury and lifestyle sectors. By launching on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Antiracist Bag sparked crucial conversations and heightened awareness about racial disparities, encouraging dialogue and solidarity within the entertainment industry, prompting meaningful action towards fostering a more inclusive and equitable landscape.

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