Outdoor > Culture & Context


CYW, Madrid / NETFLIX / 2024


Bronze Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Demo Film
Presentation Image
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Why is this work relevant for Outdoor?

This work is relevant for Outdoor advertising due to its clever use of humor, turning a serious situation into a playful and memorable campaign. By branding a snowplow to clear roads during a blizzard, it wittily connected Griselda Blanco's reputation for "moving snow" (cocaine) with literal snow removal. This unexpected twist not only grabbed attention but also entertained and engaged the audience, making the campaign stand out. The humorous approach effectively conveyed the show's theme while providing practical benefits, demonstrating how outdoor advertising can creatively use humor to enhance visibility and audience connection.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

The campaign for the Netflix series "Griselda" was crafted with a deep understanding of cultural and regional nuances specific to Spain. Griselda Blanco, known as the "godmother" of Miami's drug empire, is a figure whose notoriety resonates globally, but her story's dramatization holds particular intrigue in Spain, a country with a strong appetite for crime dramas and narco-themed content.

January 2024 saw Spain hit by Blizzard Juan, an event of national significance that paralyzed many regions. This provided a unique opportunity to create a campaign that was not only timely but also deeply relevant. By deploying a branded snowplow during this period, the campaign cleverly linked Griselda’s notorious ability to "move snow" (a colloquial term for cocaine) with the literal act of clearing snow. This dual metaphor was culturally resonant and immediately understandable to the audience.

Spain's landscape, marked by numerous small villages often cut off during heavy snowfall, was integral to the campaign's impact. Many of these areas lack the infrastructure to deal with severe weather, making the snowplow's assistance both practical and symbolic. This act of community service not only generated goodwill but also ensured extensive media coverage, leveraging the blizzard's newsworthiness.

Furthermore, the timing was crucial as the series launch coincided with the blizzard, ensuring maximum relevance and visibility. The campaign ingeniously utilized outdoor advertising to merge real-world events with promotional efforts, creating a culturally attuned, market-specific initiative that highlighted Netflix's understanding of its audience and commitment to innovative, impactful marketing strategies.



In January 2024, Blizzard Juan hit Spain, blocking roads and isolating villages. Amidst this, the Netflix series "Griselda," based on the life of Colombian narco Griselda Blanco, was set to premiere.


Develop an outdoor advertising campaign that stands out and effectively promotes "Griselda" during its Spanish release. The campaign should leverage current events to create a strong connection between the show's themes and the audience using a humoristic/ tone to undercut the subject matter of the series.


Achieve high visibility and media coverage for the series.

Engage the public in a memorable, meaningful way.

Enhance brand perception.

Drive viewership for the "Griselda" series.

Describe the Impact:


The campaign generated significant media buzz and public appreciation, becoming a talking point across Spain.


The video of the activation reached more than 800k views on Netflix Spain channels. A huge audience was also reached through extensive media coverage and social media sharing, with the branded snowplow visible in heavily snow-affected areas.


High levels of social media interaction and news coverage, with people discussing the campaign's uniqueness and relevance.

**Change in Behaviour:**

The campaign provided essential services, improving community goodwill towards Netflix and encouraging positive public interaction with the brand.

**Brand Perception:**

Netflix was seen as innovative, socially conscious, and responsive to real-world events, enhancing its brand image.

**Achievement Against Objectives:**

The campaign successfully promoted "Griselda," drove viewership, and created a memorable connection between the show. Griselda reached the top 10 on Netflix Spain after its premiere and remained in the top 10 for five weeks.

Please tell us about the humour insight that inspired the work.

The humor insight driving this campaign stemmed from the clever play on words involving Griselda Blanco's notorious reputation for "moving snow," slang for trafficking cocaine. By taking this phrase literally during a severe snowstorm, the campaign humorously linked Griselda's illegal activities with the essential task of snow removal.

This witty connection transformed an illegal behavior into a socially helpful activation with a wink. The branded snowplow clearing roads and aiding isolated villages created an amusing yet impactful visual metaphor. The humor not only captured public attention but also highlighted the series' central theme in a light-hearted way. This approach effectively engaged the audience, making the campaign both entertaining and relevant while promoting the Netflix series "Griselda" during Blizzard Juan in Spain.

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