Outdoor > Culture & Context


DAVID, Madrid / JC DECAUX / 2024


Gold Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Outdoor?

The outdoor subway media in Spain had reduced its investment by 7% in 2023. We managed to recover the investment in outdoor by using outdoor.We used this medium in an irreverent and eye-catching way. By placing more than 50 different photos of Marina Prieto in hundreds of free spaces that the brands had not used.This meant that we had not only one repeated creativity. But more than 50.We managed to make viral an ooh medium that brands don't usually pay attention to.People tend to ignore outdoor campaigns. We got people to interact, take pictures of the media.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Marina Prieto is a 100-year-old granny who was born in a small town in Galicia, a rural region located in northern Spain.

-The campaign was located in the Madrid subway. The most relevant metro and city in the country.

-In Spain, investment in outdoor advertising in the subway had been reduced by 7% during the year 2023.

-Marina appeared in the country's main regional and national press. As well as several local television channels (Telemadrid) but also national (Antena 3).


More than 2.3 million people use Madrid's subway every day. However, for brands, subway media is not as relevant, effective, or attractive as regular street OOH advertising. Consequently, in 2023, subway ad investment decreased by 7%.

Because of this, JCDecaux wanted to make a campaign to convince brands that this media truly works and made them to reinvest in it again.

One of the most important objectives of this campaign was to make the idea measurable, in a simple way to show the results of this media.

Media printing aside, we had a very limited budget ($10,000). However, we could use all the media that the brands had not bought in the Madrid metro.

Describe the Impact:

The campaign received results for both Marina Prieto and JCDecaux.

Marina Prieto results:

Marina's IG account grew +39285%.

+1,5 M views on Marina's profile

Marina's engagement +13405%

Mentioned in +14 countries

JcDecaux results:

185 new brands

x2 media investment

Record bookings for JCDecaux

Please tell us how the work was designed/adapted for a single country / region / market.

Madrid's subway is utilized by millions of people every day. However, many Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) in Spain still struggle to recognize its importance, leading to a 7% decrease in brand investments in this medium in recent years. That’s why JCDecaux looked for Marina Prieto, a charming 100-year-old grandmother from Galicia in the North of Spain, who possesses a wealth of stories to tell but lacks an audience to share them with. We gave her hundreds of unbooked spaces, and it just a few days she became a national phenomenon. Creating an emotional connection beyond local commuters, transcending the subway's physical confines and resonating deeply with people across Spain, including media outlets and influential figures who run some of the most powerful brands in the country.

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