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MP3 Original Language
Case Film
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Why is this work relevant for Audio & Radio?

‘Have the Rennie Ready’ is about how suffering from heartburn can ruin moments, unless you have Rennie to hand. To cut through and create relevance, our creative strategy is situational comedy. Audio provides the ideal canvas for this approach as we can supercharge super humorous, overly dramatic scenarios in a way that isn’t possible on other channels. Our primary creative vehicle is our nonchalant narrator, whose dry wit gives the brand instant personality and creates intimacy with the audience. This is essential given our strategic task is to put Rennie back on the map and make it remembered again

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Rennie is a global brand, born in the UK. The UK remains its most important market, so one where it is essential to win. To relaunch the brand and revive those latent brand associations, we wanted to recreate the brand personality in a way that was consistent with Rennie’s UK, down-to-Earth roots. We therefore took inspiration from British comedy, such as Peep Show (Mitchell and Webb) and chose a classically British voice, dripping with dry humour. To connect to our UK 25-44 audience, we used relevant scenarios to their daily lives, be it going out with mates, participating in a parent event like a fun run or doing a work presentation. Like any good comedian, we then laced the stories with familiar, cultural references that a British audience will get tickled by, be it Teletubbies (a popular pre-school show) or the pub (arguably the UK’s most beloved institution) or curry (frequently proclaimed as the UK’s most popular dish). By mining the UK’s rich cultural heritage, the ads resurrect a great British brand in a way that connects with a modern British audience.

Write a short summary of what happens in the Audio work.

Heartburn can come at any moment and in any place. That inner pain makes impossible to listen or focus on anything that’s happening around us. We wanted to over dramatize that inner pain in different moments to highlight the role of Rennie as the easy and convenient saviour of the day.


Rennie has been fixing heartburn for 90 years. However, limited marketing and innovation meant Rennie was forgotten. Instead, all heartburn sufferers could think of was Gaviscon, a Goliath of a competitor, who did not just have the bigger innovations and budgets but the highly recognisable ‘firemen’. Whatever we did, we needed to do something different. Our idea ‘Have the Rennie Ready’ was created to put Rennie back on the map, driving salience and brand differentiation. Using Rennie’s long-held point of difference of being a convenient, pocketable format to answer the insight that our audience of 25-44 yo heartburn sufferers miss out on social moments due to the discomfort caused by it, we showed Rennie was essential for any social occasion. We brought back from the archives Rennie’s trademark humour to create stand out and engagement in a low interest category, giving the brand instant personality.

Describe the Impact:

These ads were used as a pre-launch test for the fuller 360 campaign launch in the UK. It has enabled us to play with our creative strategy before we extend the campaign’s reach. The full campaign will be released in July, when we could measure brand perception.

Translation. Provide a full English translation of any audio.

‘Big Moment’

SFX: A boardroom meeting. Jemma, the MD - is giving a 5-year-plan to all those staff assembled. Jeremy is listening on.

VO: Be patient, Jeremy. You’ll make your mark on this AGM. ‘Slide 99’. Your BIG contribution. Okay, it’s just suggestions for the Christmas party. It’s ‘input’ right? ...’Slide 97’. C’mon, c’mon...

But your red face is more than it seems... If only you hadn’t had those Chicken Wings, down the pub, with the lads at lunchtime. If only you hadn’t taken that dare to devour the lot of them. Right now, an Oriental melange of hot spice is making its way from your chest to your trachea. And you’re powerless to stop it. You drain the last few drops of water from your tumbler. Beads of sweat form on your forehead. You pull, nervously, at your collar. This is ‘man versus food’ and you’re on the ropes. You’re a ticking time bomb...

‘Slide 98’...oh goodness, there’s a burp coming.

SFX: HUGE ‘BUURPPPPPPPP!’ (Jeremy apologises to a stunned room.)

SFX SONIC: The close-up sound of a tablet of Rennie, being popped from a blister pack.

VO: If heartburn hits, have the Rennie ready.

Disclaimer: Rennie Peppermint. Always read the label.

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