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MULLENLOWE UK, London / KNORR / 2024

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Why is this work relevant for Titanium?

#ModTheVeg wasn’t only a campaign to create awareness of a brand. It was part of a bigger Unilever purpose rooted in the core of KNORR (its 2nd biggest brand). Eating healthier and more sustainable is directly related to one of the UN’s goals, but despite the fact it’s well-known the consumption of vegetables is significantly beneficial for the planet and humanity, there’s still bias against them even in gaming, a community of 3,3 Billion people. Through ‘modding’ videogames and making a petition with help from the world’s biggest streamers, we created a movement that could potentially change this reality forever.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

“Good food” has different meanings around the world. One of them is adding more vegetables to the daily average diet. The world is already having a big conversation about how human diet affects the planet. In that conversation, vegetables play a crucial role, but almost half of the world doesn’t eat enough vegetables (source: UN Summit). There has always been bias against them because they’re often perceived as bland, lame and tasteless. We needed to find a way to boost their perception. For this reason, Knorr is striving to give good food a fighting change.


Knorr is the second biggest Unilever brand. With more than 20000 different products around the world, the brand is on a mission to make good food irresistible. We needed to translate that message to a younger generation (GenZ and 20/30yo) in a cool and modern way, a huge challenge for a home cooking brand.

Describe the creative idea

Knorr levels up vegetables in the real world, so that’s what we did in the virtual world too. We created #ModTheVeg: a movement to power up veggies in video games. We partnered with gamers and developers and created 14 different mods (mod: short for modification) in some of the top world gaming titles. The mods turned veggies into skins, weapons, armours, vehicles characters and all kinds of different items and rewards that gave players advantage within the games. The movement was kickstarted by NINJA (world’s top Twitch streamer) and promoted by top streamers in 10 different countries. The movement became a petition signed by more than 20K people around the world and sent to some of the biggest game publishers.

Describe the strategy

The bias against vegetables has been present for many generations, and today’s youth is no exception. However, GenZ’s are more open to adopt new behaviours to improve their health and how they interact with the planet. Also, the gaming world is one of the biggest spaces where they interact and are influenced, no matter where they live or which language they speak. Gaming + GenZ’s were the perfect audience and platform. We found out that this bias is even present in more than 20 games: vegetables are less rewarding than other kinds of food: (e.g. In Fortnite meat gives you 15HP vs Lettuce giving you 10HP).

Describe the execution

14 mods created by gamers and developers that power up veggies in Fortnite, Minecraft, Skyrim and GTA.

Website: downloable mods, know more about the movement, petition to end the disparity of vegetables in gaming.

Campaign launching the movement, addressing the issue and showing some the mods (hero film, IG, Tiktok, Twitch).

NINJA kickstart the movement. Teased it on social media, then played our mods during two livestreams addressing the issue, the movement and the petition.

Top gamers from 7 countries amplified our message (to an audience in more than 30 countries around the world).

Press release sent to gaming and nutrition media, talking about Knorr’s mission to make good food irresistible (in gaming).

Events where created in Mexico, South Africa, Canada and Phillipines.

The petition still going, but when we reached 20.000 signatures, we turned it into an official proposal to Epic Games, Activision Blizzard and Mojang Studios.

List the results

+10K played the mods for 19 minute on average.

+20K signed the petition (and counting).

+262K people watched the livestreams.

+1500 press articles worldwide.

+54M full views of the hero film + cutdowns.

+9% brand awareness.

+22% gaming association.

+157M Impressions

+26K hours of content watched in just 2 days.

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