Health and Wellness > A: Consumer Products


WE, Sao Paulo / EMS / 2015

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The advertising of products subject below comply with the specific standards that follow, which complement the general rules of this Code. For the purposes of this Annex, are considered non-prescription pharmaceuticals, also known as folk medicines or OTC - over the counter - those whose sale, under the law, are exempted from income presentation issued by Doctors and Dentists.

1. Advertising of medicines:

a. It should not contain any statement as to the action of the product that is not based on clinical or scientific evidence;

b. It should not be taken to suggest cure or prevent any disease requiring treatment under medical supervision;

c. It should not be made so as to result in different constant use of therapeutic actions of the documentation approved by the Health Authority;

d. will not offer the consumer awards, participation in contests or similar features that induce unnecessary use of medicines;

e. You should avoid any inference associated with overuse of the product;

f. It should not be made to induce the use of products by children without supervision of parents or guardians who, by the way, the message will be directed exclusively;

g. should not encourage the consumer to commit physical excesses, gastronomic or ethyl;

h. should not show character depending on the continued use of drugs as simplistic solution to emotional problems or moods;

i. should not lead the consumer to error in substance, package size, appearance, uses, speed of relief or therapeutic actions of the product and its classification (similar / generic);

j. should be careful and truthful about the use of written or spoken word and visual effects. The choice of words should match its meaning as commonly understood by the general public;

k. It should not contain statements or dramatizations causing fear or apprehension of Consumer that it is, or may, without treatment, suffering from a serious illness;

l. should emphasize the uses and actions of the product concerned. Insulting comparisons with competitors will not be tolerated. Any comparison will only be permitted when readily apparent by the Customer or based on clinical or scientific evidence. They should not be used scientific jargon with irrelevant data or questionable validity of statistics or limited, which may suggest a scientific basis that the product has not;

m. should not contain any money back offer paid or other benefit of any kind, the purchase of a product due to a possible inefficiency;

n. dietary product advertising must submit to the provisions of this Annex and, where applicable, in Annexes "G" and "H". Must not include or mention indications or expressions, even subjective, of any therapeutic action.

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