Pharma > A: Communications to Healthcare Professionals


WARD6, Sydney / NOVARTIS / 2015

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Case Film
Presentation Image
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For General Practitioners prescribing is lead by individual physician preference, that being a combination of personal clinical experiences and peer prescribing behaviour. When these doctors feel they have made a difference by addressing their patients’ needs they feel proud, confident, and satisfied.


Healthcare advertising in Australia is highly regulated and advertising of prescription products to consumers is not permitted. Medicines Australia’s Code of Conduct sets the standards for the ethical marketing and promotion of prescription pharmaceutical products in Australia and it complements the legislation requirements of the Therapeutic Goods Regulations and the Therapeutic Goods Act.

It is the responsibility of the pharmaceutical companies, their employees and advisers to ensure that the content of all promotional and medical claims is balanced, accurate, correct, fully supported by the Product Information, literature or ‘data on file’ or appropriate industry source, where these do not conflict with the Product

Information. It is fundamental that any claim made must be consistent with the Australian Product Information document, irrespective of the source on which the claim is based.

This responsibility relates not only to the product being promoted, but to any information given or claims made about other products, disease states or conditions. It also applies to tag lines and their ability to be substantiated.

All information, claims and graphical representations must be ‘current, accurate, balanced and must not mislead either directly, by implication, or by omission’. All claims must be referenced and there are very specific restrictions on the art direction of references, etc.


GPs increasingly need to treat the comorbidity of Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension as one entity, using complimentary treatments and management strategies. This campaign was aimed at that need via the joint promotion of Galvus (diabetes) and Exforge (blood pressure).

The Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension markets are largely driven by share of voice and superior efficacy claims. This results in a level of indifference from doctors. To create differentiation, we needed to engage in a more meaningful way.

The goals of the campaign were:

1. Place Galvus and Exforge within the context of GPs increasing sophistication in managing chronic comorbid patients.

2. Encourage GPs to intensify treatment by using multiple agents with multiple modes of action

This was achieved via an integrated campaign across print, film and digital, that brings to life individual chronic comorbid personas and demonstrates how GPs can ‘do more’ for them with Galvus and Exforge.


1. Place Galvus and Exforge within the context of GPs increasing sophistication in managing chronic comorbid patients.

2. Encourage GPs to intensify treatment by using multiple agents with multiple modes of action


An integrated campaign, across print, film and digital, that brings to life individual chronic comorbid personas and demonstrates how GPs can ‘do more’ for them with Galvus and Exforge.

Print Advertising – An introduction to the personas alongside advertorial on the complexities of treating them

Leave Behinds - Complementary MOAs with multiple agents, early intervention and long term risk comparisons

Digital Display – Forced placement delivering persona videos linked to hosted Galvus and Exforge product information

Conferencing - Interactive touch screen to navigate persona videos and understand Gavlus and Exforge benefits

eDetail - Interactive tool allowing physicians to define the patient they know and navigate Gavlus and Exforge benefits


The campaign has only recently been launched in 2015 meaning it is too early to gauge results.

Early indications are promising however, with representatives self-reporting a significant increase in customer engagement with Galvus / Exforge messaging and an overall liking of the new approach.


The campaign seeks to place Galvus and Exforge within the context of GPs increasing sophistication in managing chronic comorbid patients. We needed to highlight their sense of obligation and drive them to do more. In doing this we framed our efficacy within their achievement. By taking this approach we put the physician at the heart of the discussion and gave them ownership of Galvus and Exforge’s benefits.


There are clear chronic comorbid patients types that every GP can recognise and every GP has on their books. They’re difficult to treat and problematic to manage so often don’t get the care they need. It’s the guy who has lived his life as if he’s indestructible but now, in his 40s, his body is letting him down. Or the overindulging office worker. They’re the chronic comorbid patients that every GP knows. And the patients that every GP should be doing more for.

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