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Silver Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Supporting Content
Case Film




Why is this work relevant for PR?

“A True Story” is a Christmas tale broadcasted in France on TV, cinemas and online. It tells an original story that sparked the conversation in a whole country: The untold story of Santa Claus who once had cancer... and recovered. This 5-minute short film from the leading European Cancer research institute highlighted the incredible progress made in the fight against Cancer nowadays. Especially imagined for the Christmas season, where a third of donations are traditionally made in France, the film triggered 5.3 million euros of donations. Whereas on average inflation has decreased donations to charities by 10% in France

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In France donations to charities have dropped considerably due to the economic inflation.

Gustave Roussy needed a strong move to increase donations against Cancer.

Traditionally, a third of annual donations are made during the Christmas period.

Although Christmas has religious origins, the figure of Santa is so well-known that it belongs now to our global pop culture. To trigger more donations in favor of the fight against Cancer we chose this time of the year and provided a fresh perspective on our immortal character who appeared here in his most vulnerable humanity, facing illness, just like anyone else.

But this film is not just about illness. It’s about healing. It’s about the incredible progress made by science in curing Cancer. Progress led by the Gustave Roussy Institute, the leading European Cancer research institute based in France.


For its fundraising campaign, Gustave Roussy, the leading European Cancer research institute based in France, wanted to highlight hope with this little-known fact to the general public: we have never healed more from cancer than we do today. (66% of Cancers can today be cured) In a French context where donations to charities had dropped considerably due to the economic inflation, Gustave Roussy needed a strong move to increase donations and keep on accelerating the progress made by research.

The Christmas season which represents a third of the yearly donations made in France was more than just an opportunity for donations. It was also a chance to weave this message of healing into a strong universal story. We came out with this original and impactful idea: We never knew it, but Santa Claus once had cancer... and he recovered.

Describe the creative idea

“A True Story” is a modern Christmas tale in which fiction and reality intentionally intertwine. The 5-minute short film follows the journey of Santa Claus the year he fought against Cancer. From the announcement of the diagnosis to the loss of his beard and hair caused by chemotherapy sessions. And of course, its recovery.

At Christmas, the folklore of Santa Claus is everywhere, especially to sell us all sorts of products. But this year, the French audience got to discover this character in his most naked intimacy and humanity, in the midst of a battle against cancer. It's a state in which this globally known figure has never been seen before. The disruptive aspect of such a communication piece during this Christmas period has greatly contributed to creating a natural conversation and accelerating donations.

Describe the PR strategy

Santa Claus facing Cancer. The disruptive aspect of such a communication piece during this Christmas period has been thought to spark a natural conversation in the French audience as well as in the media. And we knew that the more people would talk about it, the more donations that would trigger.

But this film is not just about illness. It’s about healing. It’s about the incredible progress made by science in curing Cancer nowadays. Progress led by the Gustave Roussy Institute. The hope that the film carried was the message the institute wanted to deliver to the French audience. Because knowing that things are changing is also a massive trigger to accelerate donations.

The 5-minute short film format enabled us to develop this story at its best in an emotional yet subtle way so it resonates and moves both the audience and the journalists.

Describe the PR execution

The film aired from December 20h 2023 to January 23th 2024. The Christmas season representing a third of yearly donations to charities in France.

Free space has been offered for the film on TV, cinemas and online by some of French biggest media. Such as: TF1, France Télévisions, Paramount, Dailymotion, Snapchat, MEDIAVISION, CANAL+, UGC…

The short film has also been sent to journalists 2 days before its airing, so they can exclusively talk about it on their Tv shows. In those TV shows, the CEO of Gustave Roussy Institute was present to tell the audience more about the recent progress of science regarding cancer and the importance of donations.

List the results

The choice of such a character and storytelling enabled to spark a large conversation in France regarding Cancer and generated more donations than ever in the Christmas season for Gustave Roussy.

More Than 5.3 million euros collected in December

45% of Gustave Roussy annual donation foundraising

+14% of donation whereas on average inflation has decreased donations by 10% in France

+10% in January

18 million of earned media impressions

143,7 Million people reached

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