PR > PR Techniques


GUT, Sao Paulo / VULT / 2024


Silver Cannes Lions
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From silent prejudice to media spotlight: The "Grad in Black" initiative turned the graduation cap, originally designed for straight European hair, into a statement of power and equality.

By redesigning graduation caps to accommodate diverse hair types, Vult became a part of consumers' lives, creating a connection to their public so powerful that brought widespread national coverage and fostered deep and meaningful discussions.

Catching attention at SPFW and being featured in prestigious publications like Vogue and Elle, the redesigned graduation cap amplified awareness of the issue and highlighted Vult's commitment to diversity and empowerment.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Even with over 56% of its population being Black, Brazil is a country marked by contradictions and exclusion. As the last nation in the Americas to abolish slavery, racial equality and access to opportunities remain elusive. However, recent efforts to enhance educational accessibility through quotas and financial aid programs have yielded promising results. For the first time in Brazilian history, black students are the majority in universities, marking a significant milestone in diminishing the racial gap in education. Yet, the feeling of genuine inclusion is still lacking.

Despite the increasing presence of Black students in Brazilian universities, significant disparities persist, particularly evident during a key moment: the graduation ceremony. The traditional graduation cap, symbolizing academic achievement, was originally designed for straight hair of European descent, highlighting ongoing racial inequality. What should be an emotional occasion often serves as a reminder of the systemic barriers faced by Black individuals, since they cannot use the cap as everyone else does.

Recognizing the need for change, Vult, a Brazilian beauty brand committed to societal transformation, partnered with Dendezeiro, a black fashion label, to address this issue. Together, they redesigned graduation caps, creating four distinct models tailored specifically for Afro-descendant hair, celebrating its unique characteristics. Through this initiative, Vult aimed to raise awareness of the silent violence perpetuated during graduation ceremonies and offered a solution to this symbolic moment.


Vult, a sister brand of O Boticário—Brazil's largest and most beloved beauty brand—focuses on empowering lower and middle-class women, particularly Black individuals, with haircare products suited for the diverse Brazilian population. The brand stands for self-pride and societal change by celebrating the origin, race, and social class of Brazilian women, enhancing individual self-esteem and also inspiring others within the community.

In early 2024, Vult aimed to target university students, a key demographic for its growth, and decided to go beyond a typical shampoo campaign, choosing instead to deepen connections through consumer needs and diverse narratives. The objective was twofold: to solidify Vult's presence in hair care, while staying true to its mission of societal transformation through inclusivity and women empowerment. To fulfill this brief, we developed the idea of creating inclusive graduation cap models for Afro-descendant hair, reinforcing the brand’s commitment to celebrating diverse identities and stories.

Describe the creative idea

Vult's shampoo line primarily targets Black women, celebrating their achievements in Brazil's unequal society. Despite improved access to education for Black Brazilians, traditional graduation caps still exclude them because they don't fit Afro-descendant hair, reflecting a clear design bias. To address this, Vult collaborated with the Black fashion designer duo Dendezeiro to create four new graduation cap models that accommodate and honor Black hair. This collection became a highlight at São Paulo Fashion Week, gaining attention from major media outlets, sparking a conversation on social networks, and inspiring a law for inclusive graduation caps in Salvador, the "blackest city outside of Africa." Adopted by main Brazilian universities and made available globally through open source, this initiative enabled Black graduates to express their identity and feel a sense of belonging at their ceremonies, transforming a symbol of racial bias into an icon of Black pride.

Describe the PR strategy

Seeing the 400% increase in black students at universities while there is still a significant gap in the inclusion of academic achievement symbols, Vult identified an opportunity to talk to an underserved public, creating a product that valued and catered to their specific needs. The brand's message highlighted Vult's commitment to inclusion and diversity to their target audience, which included black students, educational institutions, and the broader community interested in equality. The campaign relied on emotional assets such as recreated graduation photos and a mini-documentary featuring Dr. Joana Angélica (Brazil's first black university dean) making the entire initiative widely disseminated through fashion, education, business, and many other media outlets. This strategy ensured broad visibility and engagement, promoting a more comprehensive discussion on diversity and inclusion in the academic environment and positioning Vult as the starter of a very necessary and important conversation.

Describe the PR execution

Launched close to the graduation events of the second semester in Brazil, the campaign prioritized heating up the debate on the topic as a way to generate impact in time for the graduation season. We selected influential journalists from leading outlets in fashion, education, urban, marketing, and racial issues to receive exclusive information and expand the narrative about the challenges faced by black students and the solution that was developed.

Our most important ally in this execution was our genuine connection to this very appealing and relevant topic, which allowed us to operate without paid media investments during the first phase, with all media spaces being organically won. The resulting coverage, including interviews with Dendezeiro's designers and the campaign participants, generated significant organic visibility. This strategy achieved widespread national coverage and fostered deep and meaningful discussions, demonstrating Vult's commitment to business practices that respect diversity and promote inclusion.

List the results

Without any media spending, "Grad in Black" became the most viewed and shared content in the brand's history, receiving 97% positive sentiment. With over 420 million impressions and 27 million views of the content (including TV coverage), it generated USD 3.5 million in earned media at major Brazilian outlets.

From GloboNews, a journalistic TV channel from Brazil's largest media outlet, to Folha de São Paulo, the country's largest newspaper, and fashion magazines like Elle and Vogue, the redesigned caps gained extensive media exposure, including during the launch and coverage of SPFW, the biggest fashion show in Latin America.

It has been adopted by Brazil's main universities, confirming its applicability and endorsement by academic institutions. The open-source designs were downloaded in 21 countries. Salvador—the blackest city outside Africa—has enacted a law mandating the adoption of inclusive graduation caps by universities, demonstrating the initiative's influence on public policy and its potential for long-term impact.

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