Creative Data > Creative Data


GTB, Madrid / FORD / 2017

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Case Film
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We’ve created Max Motor Dreams, a baby’s cradle which accurately simulates the sensation of riding in a car.

All controlled via a simple app for Smartphones, that tracks baby’s favorite outings as you drive, like constant movement similar to a car ride, the sound and gentle vibration of the engine and ambient lighting to simulate traveling.

The tracked movements are played back accurately on the cot when you need to put your baby to sleep..


The idea wouldn´t be posible if we could not collect all the info that comes from the car. Using specific mobile features, we were able to get the movement and sounds from the car during a journey and transfer the exact sound and movements to the cradle.


The number of visits to the dealerships increased up to 75% with more than 2.000 test drives schedules only in Madrid. The launching video had more than 4M organic access and the click to the max family configuration on the Ford Web site has also increased 150%. We´ve succeeded in positioning the Ford Max range as the benchmark in family vehicles increasing sales on 70%. "It was the best cost/benefit campaign ever done by ford Spain"

Due to the success and requests, the product is now being implemented as a regular accessory for the MAX family on the Spanish Ford website.


MotorDreams has found a way of turning consumer data from the car´s route into a meaningful insight and therefore a product for parents.


Once Ford is not on consumers consideration for family cars in Spain, we needed to find another approach. So instead of talking about the car, we have created a special accessory that connects innovation and brand storytelling, MAX MOTOR DREAM. We have collected the data from vehicles through an app and used it to launch a product on line, The accessory would also make a bridge to bring consumer to dealerships and web.


To develop an innovative campaign to position the Ford Max range as the perfect vehicle line-up for families, as it is especially designed for family needs.

Insight: Babies often have trouble sleeping and parents try all kinds of tricks to get them to sleep. But there is something parents have found works a dream: taking them for a ride in the car. The gentle movement and the soothing sound of the engine send them quickly and easily off to sleep.

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