Creative Strategy > Challenges & Breakthroughs


L&C, New York / BAVARIA / 2024


Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Creative Strategy?

Nativa Meter is a strategic solution that enables our main audience (farmers) to protect their farming businesses (crops) from the unpredictability of climate change, by providing them with a vital tool they don’t have access to, repurposing a beer bottle they already buy. By doing this we just don’t help them protect their crops but we also help them generate a steady income and secure our main ingredient: cassava.

A professional rain gauge in Colombia costs $18 dollars, we are giving them the same technology for only 34 cents on a beer they already buy.


85% of Nativa's sales are in the farming communities of Northern Colombia and this region depends on farming as the main source of income.

We needed to protect farmers, our main audiences businesses and at the same time guarantee Nativa production for the following year, as cassava is the main ingredient of our beer.

Our brief was how could Cerveza Nativa do something to support cassava farmers?

Objective: engage with farmers on a way is relevant to them (our consumer) and reinforce brand loyalty and promote cassava production.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In 2022, Colombian farmers lost 4.9 million acres of crops during the rainy season, 23% of them being cassava, the main ingredient in ABInBev’s Nativa beer. Each year, Nativa buys 1,648 tons of cassava from Colombian farmers, providing them with a steady income. To protect the region where our cassava grows from the unpredictability of climate change, ABInBev decided to create Nativa Meter. We took the beer farmers know and love, and by analyzing the geometry of the bottle, we repurposed it as a rain gauge, a tool that accurately tracks daily precipitation, records rainfall patterns to better predict the unpredictable effects of climate change.


As we grow in the region we have to secure the production of our main ingredient: Cassava.

However, our farmers lost 4.9 million acres of crops in 2022 during one of the worst rainy seasons on record. 23% of these crops were cassava root.

So how we can engage with our target and make our brand relevant to them?

We created Nativa Meter. We took the beer farmers know and love, and by analyzing the geometry of the bottle, we repurposed it as a rain gauge, a tool to better predict the unpredictable effects of climate change.

By creating this tool we help our consumers get a steady source of income, engage with the brand and we can continue making Nativa beer.

Insight/Breakthrough Thinking

A rain gauge in Colombia costs 18 US dollars, that amount equals the monthly income of 3 farming families in Colombia. With Nativa meter, they just spend 24 cents of a dollar on a beer they already buy. Farmers get the same technology as a professional rain gauge to protect their crops and their business, which secures cassava production, so we can continue making Nativa beer. After a long week of work; farmers gather together to celebrate the week by drinking beers.

We did research and teamed up with a group of meteorologists and agricultural experts of the University of Bogota to bring all the benefits of a professional rain gauge to a beer bottle.This is a crucial instrument for hydrology and agriculture.

Our label indicates if the precipitation is light, intermediate or heavy and has a whatsapp number to connect with experts and help farmers better manage their crops.

Creative Idea

Our challenge was to create an impact in the the community where we operate. We knew the only way to keep building our brand was to create something relevant that resonate with our target audience. We found an opportunity in using our already existing supply chain and a slight modification to our packaging to offer true added value for our audience that would easy fit into their lives.


There are 1.2 million Nativa Meter bottles in use today.

Sales in the Colombian northern Cordoba region have increased by an unprecedented 140%.

3 Million Whatsapp Interactions during the rainy season (5 months of the year).

The idea has generated $10.5 million in earned media.

850 tons of cassava have been saved guaranteeing production of Nativa beer for 2024 and first quarter of 2025.

This innovation is now being used by other beer brands from AbInBev in countries where climate change affects farming like Peru, Chile and Ecuador.

Please tell us about how the work challenged or was different from the brands competitors.

Nativa beer is the only beer in the market brewed from cassava, a popular root harvested in Colombia, preferred by farming communities. This makes the brand itself already very different from its competitors. Nativa Meter is an idea that is hyper tailored to this product. The same idea wouldn't be a good fit for other beer brands in Colombia. As a regional challenger brand, Nativa needed to grow amongst its main audience: Farming communities. So, we we decided to help them keep their farming business protected from the unpredictability of climate change.

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