Social and Influencer > Social & Influencer: Sectors


ISLA REPUBLICA, Buenos Aires / NETFLIX / 2023


Shortlisted Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Case Film
Presentation Image




Why is this work relevant for Social & Influencer?

This campaign featured the Argentine journalist and influencer Gastón Edul, a witness to the “What are you looking at, silly?” that Messi launched when he was interviewing him after the victory against the Netherlands.

The campaign proposed to interact with an AI bot through WhatsApp, where people could ask it for recommendations on which series and movies to watch on Netflix.


In a world full of content platforms, we spend more time choosing what to see than watching it.

That is why we always ask friends or family, in search of recommendations asking the same thing:

"What are you looking at"?

Leo Messi in Qatar 2023 took that question to another level, when he referred this way to the Netherlands player.

For this reason, we wanted to take advantage of it to create a platform that allows us to strategically communicate our titles, in an entertaining, interactive and culturally relevant way.

Introducing Bobot.

A chatbot with AI that impersonated the Netherlands' soccer player, and answered Messi's question, with series and film records to watch on Netflix.

Describe the creative idea

We did a bot with AI that impersonated the Netherlands' soccer player,

and answered Messi's question, with series and film records to watch on


To communicate this, we developed a digital and OOH ecosystem, combined with a spot and actions with influencers, which not only achieved the objective of giving visibility to the campaign, but also boosted its organic success.

Describe the strategy

In a world where there are more and more content platforms, we waste more time choosing what to see than watching it.

That is why when we get together with friends or family, in search of recommendations, it is always the same:

"What are you looking at"?

Therefore, we wanted to take advantage of this insight to create a platform that allows us to strategically communicate our titles, in an entertaining, interactive and culturally relevant way.

Describe the execution

We did a bot with AI that impersonated the Netherlands' soccer player,

and answered Messi's question, with series and film records to watch on


To communicate this, we developed a digital and OOH ecosystem, combined with a spot and actions with influencers, which not only achieved the objective of giving visibility to the campaign, but also boosted its organic success.

List the results

Almost 12 million people played our video clips and over 4 million watched them in their entirety.


Organically, the campaign performed very well: 73% of conversation initiations coming directly from organic channels.

Users who interacted with the bot sent an average of 4 messages to receive more recommendations.


There were over 8 million interactions recorded, including reactions, comments, shares, saves, and link clicks.

Sentiment remained 100% positive in the organic part and 63% in the paid part, with 33% being neutral.

Is there any cultural context that would help the jury understand how this work was perceived by people in the country where it ran?

Clarification fot the jury:

In Spanish, the verb ‘MIRAR” can be used to refer to both LOOKING at someone and WATCHING television.

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